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61, The Shuttle/Redgrove thesis states that periods have meaning, and we ignore it at our peril. 62, Such an analysis of the thesis titles is in preparation by the present author. 63, Modernization theory, like the Weber thesis, has its strong supporters and its strong detractors. 64, He really took the matter to heart and finally wrote his Master's thesis on the subject. 65, Whatever the reason, however, our examination of the evidence gives little support for either thesis. 66, The significant discontinuities elsewhere support the thesis of adversary politics. 67, There is a short but cheerful thesis to be written on this aspect of the production. 68, That is the thesis normally advanced by individuals seeking the presidency, and very often it is accurate. 69, Student performance will be judged on the basis of degree examination results, thesis and continuous assessment, following current University regulations. 70, Envy, the thesis runs, is universal and ubiquitous in human beings. 71, The system was designed to prevent plagiarism, and to establish copyright over the thesis contents. 72, Setting aside the polemical aspects of his argument, Honderich's thesis boils down to three points. 73, This thesis is concerned with the application of semantic knowledge to the problem of text recognition. 74, An obvious criticism of the Braverman de-skilling thesis comes from the data showing a growing percentage of the workforce with formal qualifications. 75, For several reasons the normal justification thesis may seem to overlook some of the essential facts of political power. 76, Similarly, the use of semantic knowledge is described in other sections of this thesis. 77, Quinton would not accept the third thesis mentioned, and it is a very extreme view. 78, He had traveled with a group of Rajput grazers into Haryana, later writing a thesis about them. 79, Finally, the complementarity thesis predicts that services and subsidies for export crops will also benefit food crops. 80, This thesis has been challenged, with some justice, on various points of detail. 81, The only exception to this happy situation is the case study or historical thesis or dissertation. 82, But there is evidence to support my thesis that status and occupation are as important as cash. 83, Hayek views the growing dominance of the conception of law as thesis as posing a grave threat to liberty. 84, An examination of Lacanian psychoanalysis will therefore assist in developing my thesis that philosophical texts represent a form of self-construction. 85, His main thesis is that the empirical evidence does not validate the instrumental account. 86, Claudia's thesis on the exchange of gifts attempts to confirm the presence of the universal spirit at work in the Masai. 87, This is clear evidence of increased use of the thesis literature as a result of good bibliographical control. 88, Merton's thesis was that a godly involvement in the affairs of the world would also encourage the growth of science. 89, The powers attaching to a Prime Minister are considerable, but what can we make of the thesis about prime ministerial government? 90, The other argument deployed against the adversary politics thesis calls into doubt the relevance of the notion itself.