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121, The two views seem like polar opposites, either-or propositions, thesis and antithesis. 122, This thesis about the meaning of ethical words is presented against the background of a causal theory of meaning in general. 123, The thesis is to show the tragic consequences of parents who are oppressive and inflexible in their relationship with their children. 124, The continuity thesis is not without some merit if carefully defined. 125, On the other hand the thesis allows maximum flexibility in determining the scope of authority. 126, I want to develop the stronger thesis that criticism is the essence of higher education. 127, Whilst this is a generally convincing thesis, closer examination reveals some historical inaccuracies. 128, Hughes established that 36% of the single thesis which she studied was unpublished because it consisted of raw analytical data. 129, The ethical basis for extending effective property rights in the public treasury to officials is overlooked in the Niskanen-type thesis. 130, Durkheim developed this ingenious thesis by contrasting the economic and social conditions in primitive and modern societies. 131, These results still constitute, therefore, a direct contradiction of the thesis being developed here. 132, The Pre-emptive Thesis From the dependence and normal justification theses it is but a short step to the pre-emption thesis. 133, I had written a learned book, Architrave and Archetype, a thesis linking human aspiration with human-designed structures, cathedrals in particular. 134, The sheer scale of the service sector has made it the focus for attack by the proponents of the de-industrialisation thesis. 135, Here the normal justification thesis establishes the credentials of John and Ruth as authorities in their fields. 136, The most original part of Anderson's thesis relates to the geographical origins of nationalism. 137, The adversary politics thesis developed by the reformers has also been variously challenged. 138, Recognising this paradox lends weight to the patriarchy thesis, explaining away many apparent counter-examples. 139, Veblen's central thesis was that emulation took the form of engaging in a conspicuous way in honorific as opposed to merely useful pursuits. 140, I suppose it is a combination of the controversial nature of the thesis and the details of the framework that interest people. 141, The irreducibility thesis, in its general outline, might be summed up thus. 142, It therefore may be felt that the thesis can not serve for the analysis of political authority. 143, Thornhill has been peddling his rape thesis for years without much attention. 144, This, then is a micro-reductive version of the dominant ideology thesis. 145, This is certainly true of approval committees for thesis and dissertation proposals. 146, You might even end up starting on another project with a new thesis adviser. 147, The mean delay between thesis completion and first publication is about one year. 148, His thesis on the division of labour itself lacks an adequate conception of power. 149, The deposit of a thesis in a library gives no guarantee of copyright protection. 150, He wholly accepted the thesis of the democratic revolution.