punitive造句151. We are now examining whether being in a punitive environment day in and day out will have other negative impacts on children such as lying or other covert antisocial behaviors.
152. Punitive damages are often requested by a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the defendant for his misconduct, and are awarded with an amount beyond the plaintiffs actual loss.
153. Any attempt to inflict punitive measure on the iron ore miners would likely damage its steelmills, fall foul of international trade regulations or destroy any last vestige of hope for an annual deal.
154. In addition, relationship between punitive damages and compensatory damages is a ratio that has been addressed by the Supreme Court of the United States.
155. These include pecuniary penalties, injunctive relief, compensation, punitive and non-punitive orders and divestiture.
156. This section first discusses the concept of punitive damages and characteristics, followed by analysis with compensatory damages, moral damages, fines or penalties systems of relationships.
157. The standardsfor women are so punitive. And whose fault is that?
158. Punitive Damages is a special kind of damages both in American Law and Chinese Law.
159. The arbitral tribunal shall not have power to award punitive, special or exemplary damages.
160. Punitive damages has great influence on jurisprudence and practice of civil-law countries. Punitive damages has been applied in judicial practice in some countries like Germany and Brazil.
161. Rather than a punitive time-out ("Go to your room!"), take her to a comfy sofa in the den or to a favorite corner of her bedroom.
162. Sphere of application of punitive damages should not be only in fraudulent relations with consumers.
163. The punitive damages system has its special value and effect as being a widely adopted system in the civil prejudication of the damage and compensation in the common law system.
164. Anthony Burgess's nightmare vision of an elite using high culture as a "punitive slap on the chops" for low youth has come true.
165. Otherwise the unit should take the responsibility of punitive damages. If the recruiting unit discriminate those laborer, they also must bear the responsibility of compensate.
166. When I left India, the marginal tax rate was 97.5%, corporate taxation was punitive,[www.] and business was stifled or went underground.
167. The civil law doesn't ostracise civil compulsory measures with punitiveness, and punitive penalty also haven't broken the principle of fairness and justice in civil law.
168. This system is applicable to determine punitive damages in all civil spheres possibility.
169. And with condemnation has come repression, from increased CCTV surveillance to punitive workfare rules.
170. Chapter two: the academic base of the system of Punitive Damages in tort law.
171. The second part analyses the lawfulness of current punitive measures of colleges in our country.
172. He may be sentenced to few years of imprisonment, plus some punitive damages.
173. There should be four elements in the liability of punitive damages, deliberation, illegal acts, actual damages, and cause-effect-relation.
174. The application of punitive damages should take such factors as the reprehensibility of the action, the wealth of the defendants and the litigation costs into consideration.
175. In June, a Phoenix jury awarded Nur more than $287,000 in back pay and compensatory and punitive damages.
176. In the Anglo-American press infringement cases, there are three basic kinds of damages: general damages, special damages and punitive damages.
177. At the same time, the paperthe relationship between Punitive Damages and compensatory damages and mental damages.
178. It is time to reawaken this industrial giant, to get government back within its means, and to lighten our punitive tax burden.
179. Love of Justice: Druids were judges, and law-makers. Traditionally Druids are interested in restorative, not punitive, justice.
180. The punitive tariff was imposed to discourage tire imports from China.