快好知 kuaihz

31 He quitted the mask for an agreeable grimace. 32 When people come to see the grimace. 33 There is a pond by the city grimace. 34 What is making your heart grimace? 35 Compare smirk, sneer, frown, scowl and grimace. 36 There is a pond by the city of grimace. 37 Some of the smart ones , hiding themselves behind him, wrinkled their noses in a grimace. 38 Some, le rabouin, for example, are at the same time grotesque and terrible, and produce on you the effect of a cyclopean grimace. 39 The blotched and sagging face twisted grotesquely into the grimace of extreme grief. 40 Thomas make a grimace after he have taste the wine. 41 With a grimace, he pushed Joe's head out of his lap. 42 She screwed her face into a smile ( grimace ). 43 When the Joker enters one fray with a murderous flourish and that sawed-off smile, his morbid grin a mirror of the Black Dahlia's ear-to-ear grimace, your nervous laughter will die in your throat. 44 The latter made a grimace at the two women and gleefully hurried out behind Tu Wei - yueh. 45 The shape of child's grimace is applied to expose the product function. 46 The boy stole a look at his father with grimace. 47 Thomas made a grimace after he had tasted the wine. 48 Charlier is an archaeologist and forensic pathologist at the University of Paris; the face in his hands may as well be contorted in a grimace. 49 Do not grimace like that when the teacher is speaking. 50 You'll feel every punch, grimace at every brutal knock-down and celebrate every win as if it were your last in EA's fantastic boxing video game.