advertisement造句151. An advertisement for a china-clay pit in 1817 stressed that it was only 3 miles from the purpose-built clay port of Charlestown.
152. Advertisement for a cottage in the Forest of Dean ....
153. Please refer to the advertisement on page 14 for ordering details and coupon.
154. She read the advertisement carefully: they helped you if you were pregnant!
155. Would there have been a contract to supply a record if the advertisement had asked only for three wrappers and no money?
156. In July 1990 a television advertisement by the Cot Death Association advised against placing infants to sleep prone.
157. This is also the best advertisement for encouraging kids to take up the game.
158. Meanwhile, see the advertisement on page 93 for her books and tapes.
159. The second says he thinks it's a good advertisement for healthy eating.
160. In the latter part of the last century in the United States, this advertisement was conducted with virtuosity.
161. I saw an advertisement in the local paper, answered it, and was accepted.
162. Whenever there was a ballet advertisement or review, he saved that page for her.
163. But with their sparse population they are scarcely worth the price of a campaign advertisement.
164. The advertisement showed a sexy young woman in a short skirt standing beside a sports car.
165. The nursing advertisement would have been paid for by the DoH.
166. As I flicked through the pages one Friday evening an advertisement caught my eye.
167. Twenty-seven were told that they were too early and to re-apply after the advertisement appeared.
168. One of the problems with magazine advertisements, however, is their relatively long lead time before an advertisement appears.
169. Look at a reunion of old sportsmen and you will see an advertisement for geriatric nursing.
170. You may apply for a job in the next grade if you meet the requirements stated in the job advertisement.
171. I bought my first washing machine cheaply through an advertisement in the local paper.
172. After all most of us are accustomed with commercial television to having our viewing interrupted for advertisement breaks.
173. The advertisement will give some indication of the objectives of the trust.
174. My grandfather, for his part, had found lodgings for the two boys through an advertisement in a church magazine.
175. Thus where the advertisement constitutes a criminal offence, it would seem pointless to complain to the Director General.
176. This is then the accurate finished artwork for the advertisement that will appear in the newspaper or magazine.
177. If you're the owner of a health club like I am, it's a good advertisement, as long as you finish.
178. When you do, place an advertisement in the personal column of the International Herald Tribune to read as follows.
179. The famous local actor who plays Shamba in the advertisement is a qualified doctor in real life.
180. Now Fuchs is a particularly good advertisement for health economics, precisely because he is no genius.