快好知 kuaihz

61. The lack of comprehension can be attributed in part to the paucity of electronic commerce applications that the consumer has personally experienced. 62. We have chosen these because, for the moment, we want to consider only language comprehension. 63. A variety of comprehension exercise types help the learner to look for information and to recognize language forms. 64. He was quite fluent but seemed to read without comprehension. 65. Why, then, have the majority of studies of normal adult language processing been concerned with language comprehension? 66. Two scales are provided for assessing language comprehension, one of which is specially modified so that only eye pointing is required. 67. Some politicians seems to have no comprehension of what it's like to be poor. 68. These activities bridge the gap in comprehension and familiarity that the interface creates. 69. Waves of ecstatic and delicate color vibrated around me and lulled me to a sense of peace beyond comprehension. 70. Our comprehension, however, based as it is on observation, intuition, and guesswork is always only partial. 71. The first phase of the research examines the extent to which differences in memory and inferential skills contribute to comprehension difficulties. 72. Overall. the biology of the Chesapeake was clearly of an intricacy beyond present comprehension. 73. To see how this argument applies, let us consider an example of a comprehension experiment in some detail. 74. Comprehension of algebra requires formal operations as its content is basically abstractions of abstractions. 75. She may have made a mess of her life; she may have faced problems beyond your comprehension. 76. Mysticism is the product of those who fail to understand, the substitute for comprehension and the margarine of philosophy. 77. I crawled past a man and a woman, whispering to each other with an intensity beyond comprehension. 78. The experience certainly changed my comprehension of the human spirit. 79. There is also evidence in favour of the view that what we might think of as pragmatic factors influence language comprehension. 80. And the creatures of the Dark Ireland, Grainne, are soulless and cruel and evil beyond your comprehension. 81. Another bias is in the emphasis on recognition processes, rather than linguistic and comprehension ones. 82. For example, listening comprehension may be measured by circling true or false after each statement which is heard. 83. Chapter 10 is devoted to exploring issues in the production and comprehension of speech. 84. Pupils should be encouraged to move on from simple comprehension and factual questions to questions of a more historical nature. 85. Comprehension of negative sentences is facilitated when negation is being used to fulfil one of these functions. 86. Her reading comprehension was poor, and the gaps in her vocabulary were yawning. 87. A central issue is whether syntactic and semantic information contribute independently or interact in the comprehension process. 88. But with Clint Albertson, all the learning furthered my comprehension of the play. 89. Such abstraction is essential to human understanding, and it has opened up comprehension of natural processes in an amazing way. 90. Instead, I was a pliable, compliant inhabitant of a world of vague feelings and limited comprehension.