快好知 kuaihz

91. It was a more than intellectual comprehension; and to write of it she must strive to become that meeting. 92. Why he was so intent on seducing her was beyond her comprehension. 93. Both columns were free from errors and misunderstandings about the issues, and both reflected genuine and deep comprehension of the concerns. 94. This was heresy, or at least beyond his comprehension Erica could see the effect her words were having. 95. Perhaps it sharpens and develops reading, decoding, and comprehension skills. 96. What was achieved in 1689 was certainly not what Anglicans such as Nottingham wanted, toleration without comprehension. 97. The main aim of the research is to examine the interrelationship between the comprehension and production of early vocabulary. 98. Shafir made a detailed study of comprehension levels by the supposedly literate. 99. He pleaded for sources to be used for more than just illustration or comprehension. 100. They develop a form which conforms to their comprehension of relativity and which therefore adequately expresses it. 101. Children with low comprehension scores but high expressive scores are seen as having possible emotional problems, or as suffering from echolalia. 102. Consider in this connection the point I made earlier that comprehension is necessarily incomplete and dependent on purpose. 103. People who only learn phonic reading methods must not only be systematically taught to spell but given help in comprehension. 104. In cases of conduction aphasia, comprehension of spoken words and simple spoken sentences can be intact. 105. We can therefore think of there being two somewhat different extra-sentential effects of context in language comprehension. 106. She has difficulty with prostitution as something to be understood because she has no direct experience with it-it is beyond her comprehension. 107. He was caught up in frightening events far beyond his comprehension. 108. Word order of a language is not only related to structural description in syntax, but is closely linked to the expressions and comprehension as well as the nature of the language. 109. V.S. RAMACHANDRAN: Well, you can have anosognosia for Wernicke's aphasia [a neurological disorder that prevents comprehension or production of speech] or you can have it for amnesia. 110. The relation of hyponym, superordinate, synonym and inclusion of words have influenced our comprehension in sentence meaning. 111. In connection with this term comprehension, I would like to point out – I assure you that there is no irony intended – that it is a problematical term. 112. We, however, should oppose the standpoint of absolutism and carry out the dialectics in the comprehension. 113. A novel16fixed point embedded SIMD array coprocessor which is used to solve low image comprehension is described in the paper. 114. Auditory perception ability is one of the most important factors affecting information comprehension of conference interpreters. 115. Objective 2 : Students will demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of basic principles of marine hydrodynamics. 116. They'd stayed silent during his confrontation with the seneschal, but each member had listened with an intensity that signaled comprehension. 117. Because many learners only deal with meaning information from simple words to complicated sentences, it ineluctably brings on a difficulty in listening comprehension. 118. ConcluSion MIT is significantly better in rehabilitation treatment for severe sensory aphasia patients in improving their ability of comprehension, verbal repeating, name calling and writing. 119. Our closest animal cousins, the common chimpanzee and the bonobo ( pygmy chimpanzee), can achieve surprising levels of language comprehension when motivated by skilled teachers. 120. Comprehension here means understanding the source language message. It is the first stage of interpreting which initiates the whole interpreting act and affects successful reconstruction efforts.