快好知 kuaihz

121 The mental representation of imagery is mental image but not abstract proposition in some special condition. 122 It is not easy to aptly express such imagery through the painting - brush. 123 We can't afford one security - grade analyst going over imagery? 124 Mental imagery belongs to the purview of philosophy and cognitive psychology. 125 Metamorphosis, in turn, certainly represents the horrible imagery of an ethic of lucidity. 126 Several propounding methods of mathematical pedagogy are discussed, they can be separated into three kinds: generality method, particularization method and imagery description method. 127 This talent—also known as eidetic imagery—is also known to decline with age, as it seems to do in chimps. 128 Clouds are a powerful Logo, conjuring imagery of dreams, creativity and playfulness. Sometimes clouds are combined with thought bubbles to invoke feelings of dreaminess . 129 In the present times, appeared pluralization and imagery embodied in the difference between two cities. 130 Their early films tried to convey revolutionary propaganda through grotesque and fantastic imagery. 131 For example, we often rehash mental imagery while engaging in visually guided tasks such as driving. 132 Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musicical quality. 133 A style using subconscious mental activity as its subject matter , characterized by dreamlike, hallucinatory imagery. 134 The rigorous geometric model based on the collinearity equations is the basic model for object positioning of high resolution remotely sensed imagery. 135 Inthe scientific literature, the term eidetic imagery comes closest to what is popularly called photographic memory. 136 Use visual and mental imagery of yourself achieving and surpassing your goals. 137 As Cotton Jones, Nau and McGraw have a sound that's both rich and delightfully lo-fi, with vivid imagery and gorgeous melodies. 138 The strong interrelationship among exterior elements of linear pushbroom imagery induces normal equation severely ill-posed and least squares value deviated from the true value. 139 By offering both Google Earth and Google Maps, we aim to provide a comprehensive world model encompassing all geographic information including imagery, topography, road, buildings, and annotations. 140 It is characterized by imagery, encouragement , self - awareness , universality and temporal nature. 141 The sea is often used in Bible imagery to symbolize the great mass of mankind. 142 Classical Chinese Poetry (CCP) is characterized by its terseness in language, abstruseness in meaning, richness in imagery, sharpness in emotion, and distinctiveness in rhyme and rhythm. 143 Television is particularly suited to fantasy, imagery and multidimensional effects. 144 When the form of aversive stimulation is unpleasant mental imagery the technique is known as covert. 145 A 20th-century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter. 146 The hybrid imagery crafted in the style of comic grotesque subverts the positivist epistemology and classification, and emanates a strong dynamic and pleasure of anthropomorphism. 147 For a long time, discussion of mental imagery was always twined with two concepts, ideas and representation, which are just philosophical terms before the generation of scientific psychology. 148 The use of the moony imagery functions to heighten the setting, to place emotions and philosophy on the moon. 149 Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery. 150 IKONOS imagery has high spatial resolution which looks like aerial photos.