creating造句61. The only hope of raising this money starts with creating a climate of confidence attractive to foreign investors.
62. It is this shift in perspective that is creating a wealth of new possibilities.
63. The intended goal of the process will be to produce minds, capable of creating and appreciating values.
64. These shortcomings are clearly compounded by the difficulty of creating new titles.
65. Some attacked the fact that faster growth has been environmentally unsound, creating excessive carbon emissions and destroying natural habitats.
66. Confrontationalists advocate challenging Roman authority, experimenting with new liturgical forms and creating smaller new communities to replace or supplement traditional parishes.
67. The method of creating a bill is for the customer to arrange an acceptance credit facility with his bankers.
68. Creating a clear boundary between work and home, they visibly tangibly signal status and authority.
69. Buyers brought forward purchases in August to beat the deadline on stamp duty, creating a vacuum in the following month.
70. The Earth spins on an axis, creating north and south poles.
71. There is a sense, then, in which the analyst is creating the text which others will read.
72. In creating the Windows 95 version, Quarterdeck opted to overhaul the guts and provide more capabilities.
73. The state government was willing to bend the rules where necessary to stop penalizing employers for creating jobs.
74. Punch played a central role in the evolution of satirical humour and in creating opportunities for the cartoonist and the illustrator.
75. Some students may be creating a videotaped drama, in which case numbers and technicians must be calculated and provided.
76. Public-service broadcasting is creating programmes totally free of any commercial consideration.
77. Therefore, both over-confidence and under-confidence may play a part in creating an environment in which accidents happen more readily.
78. They are used in plain and patterned carpets creating a rich textured quality of living colour.
79. Such explanations fail to acknowledge the possibility that schools may a responsible for creating and sustaining disruptiveness.
80. On the basis of their experiences, the Hamiltons have a number of suggestions for creating high-quality apprenticeship programs.
81. Indeed, the playing is quite riveting, creating a feeling of spontaneous combustion.
82. But it can also strike on the potential for tension between bringing out individuality and creating conformity.
83. Such vouchers would indeed be a step toward changing the system by creating market-type controls on the demand side of the market.
84. Pupils are creating a nature trail, a boardwalk alongside a pond and writing an information leaflet.
85. Mark Pauline and Rod Brooks have advanced further than most in creating personas for machines, because the creatures are fully embodied.
86. First, the manager himself may feel somewhat shy about creating formal coaching sessions.
87. The Governor Eyre controversy dragged on for a number of years, creating deep divisions within respectable society.
88. Science is always wrong. It never solves a problem without creating ten more.George Bernard Shaw
89. I think that God in creating Man somewhat overestimated his ability.Oscar Wilde
90. Merck is not just creating demand for the equipment, it can actually produce business.