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241. So RCC is also re-entrant and this recursive aspect is a great advantage for creating components that re-use and build atop other components. 242. The Logging column mentions the logging mode that has been set while creating the database (buffered, unbuffered, ANSI compliant, and not logged). 243. Until now, we'd focused on requirements-related artifacts, and had spent a relatively small amount of time on evaluating technologies and creating prototypes to support tool selection. 244. In contrary to the current trend of modern art, she presents a joyful hue in her paintings. Marta keeps to her own style, creating beautiful art works with purity and tension of color. 245. Recalling the world of Renaissance, it focuses on refinement, richness in detail, variegation and creating value. 246. This script creates an even more granular priority structure by creating 64 different priorities subdivided by 8 master priorities. 247. You are creating a composite control for capturing user address information in a Web application. 248. Then you must tick on different cases to indicate if its a reading operation, writing, creating and suppression must be recorded. 249. It appears Doris Duke outdid herself in creating a boudoir. 250. Congressman Ron Paul says, "M3 is the bestdescription of how quickly the Fed is creating new money and credit. 251. Creating new Settings is a very easy process as we will see. 252. The processes of creating hard links and copying large files also takes place simultaneously. 253. While you use RSA to model your data model and applications, you have to look at the tooling that EMF provides for creating an EMF model for generating code. 254. In the surgery, the spinal nerves are rerouted and if successful, the nerves regenerate (over a period of 6-24 months), creating a new nerve pathway that can control bladder emptying. 255. This includes an exercise of progressively decomposing requirements prior to the meeting, thereby creating a smooth flow of work. 256. It works by creating a hash from the preprocessed sources and the compiler options used to compile the sources. 257. The ultra-Left viewpoint is creating trouble and is still the main danger in the Party. 258. We seek dynamic, forward looking individual, who is confident of creating success, to join us in this starting point of our full fledge involvement in the China market. 259. By creating a customized conversion file, you can tune the conversion process in more fine-grained details. 260. And the shape of the vertebrae in women tapers off toward the back, creating a wedge shape that further facilitates arching, Whitcome said. 261. With persistence and care, your colony will develop a hive mind and tend to its moss "garden, " creating a self-regulating ecosystem with you as its god. 262. The Libyan government troops easily overran lightly defended rebel checkpoints and began roaring down the two-lane highway toward the main rebel stronghold of Zintan, creating a few hours of anxiety. 263. Of course, loneliness might make us down by creating an innominate sadness, and this kind of melancholy will produce some kind of beauty. 264. Creating a continuous delivery pipeline (customized Jenkins) further reduced the time required to develop and deliver reliable software to testers. 265. Halston initiates celebrity-led design, creating the pillbox hat for Jackie Kennedy. 266. But where disbursed and present in barely perceptible quantities, it is more akin to a slow swoosh, creating a spiral of heat that starts a tornado effect in the atmosphere. 267. It's been a hundred years since President Taft signed the legislation creating Glacier National Park in Montana. 268. Rob Gordon, a criminologist at Simon Fraser University, says attempts at creating an agency to curb the gangs have repeatedly failed. 269. It is planning to support crop and livestock insurance for small-holders in developing countries by creating a company to underwrite index-based weather and other catastrophe risks. 270. Two students at Germany's University of Konstanz bolted a Kinect to a helmet, creating a bare-bones navigational system for the blind.