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the private sector造句
121. In the private sector a greater incentive might exist to show a need for higher fees to match high levels of dependency. 122. The estate is substantial and much of it is located in areas which are highly desirable to the private sector. 123. Average income in the private sector is probably about three times that in the state sector, but no one knows for sure. 124. The original Conservative proposal had been to unload all secondary or graduated pensions on to the private sector. 125. These industries are now having to compete in the private sector and are much healthier for it. 126. What are the pluses and minuses of practicing law in the private sector? 127. The former political coalition which directed support towards the skilled working class in the private sector had begun to dissolve. 128. I would say that the private sector would be decisive in the long term. 129. Power and conflict within organisations Introduction All organisations, whether in the public or the private sector, are involved in politics. 130. They have frequently left devastation in their wake and have treated the public sector as dumping grounds for airy-fairy ideas such as "transformation" that have been rejected by the private sector. 131. In the actual labor relation, labor disputes are frequently emerged in the private sector enterprises. 132. Since at current prices consumption rose by 16% and disposable income by 13%, there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving in the private sector of the economy. 133. Differing actors - the unions, employers, the private sector, federal or centralised governments - play different roles. 134. At present, therefore, fiscal deficits are not crowding the private sector out. 135. Our nation's debt is unsustainable , and the federal government's reach into the private sector is unprecedented. 136. In the United States, many of these services are delivered by the private sector or are not funded to the same extent by the government, and thus are not counted in government expenditures. 137. The large number of mostly unemployable graduates cannot be absorbed by either the private sector or public sector capacity. 138. But former Labor Secretary Reich insisted that, when the private sector is lagging, the government should intervene. 139. The dollar also serves as the major currency for cross-border investments by governments and the private sector. 140. Those figures, from American payroll processor ADP, said that the private sector added 157,000 jobs last month – more than double the number expected and dwarfing the 36,000 jobs added in May. 141. Note that the rate of return on incremental real investment in the private sector equals the market rate of interest. 142. The threat comes from plans to contract out services to the private sector. 143. To deal with this preference, Keynes whimsically suggested burying bottles full of cash in disused mines and letting the private sector dig them back up. 144. They live in countries where the private sector is growing and where governments have resources and access to commercial finance. 145. Established in 1995, ABAC is a permanent council that advises APEC officials on the impact of the private sector concerning open trade investment in Asia Pacific. 146. The distinction between credit and sovereign risk is blurring as losses that would otherwise be taken by the private sector are reallocated to the public sector. 147. In this paper we develop a model with adverse selection on the productive efficiency of workers in the private sector to analyze the downsizing problem in a public enterprise. 148. Inflation is therefore basically a capital transfer from creditors and savers to borrowers and dissavers, essentially from the private sector to the government. 149. Investment is scarce and not likely to pick up in the near future, given the limited resources of the Abkhaz government and unease in the private sector about the volatile politics of the region. 150. HEC will begin marketing its China-based M.B.A. to the private sector next year.