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the private sector造句
1. The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend. 2. The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating. 3. Public transport is run in direct competition with the private sector. 4. Increasingly, researchers are seeking funds from the private sector. 5. He is convinced that the private sector is interested. 6. Similar benefits have been realized in the private sector. 7. In the private sector, only 15 percent is unionized. 8. The private sector, for example, was central to the approach, and improving the city's image was seen as vital. 9. The Privatization Committee processed offers from the private sector for over 100 currently state-owned industrial companies. 10. When they are moved into the private sector, they often experience the same sense of liberation. 11. The private sector now offers another rich seam to mine. 12. At the least, President Reagan's plans of involving the private sector could disrupt this system. 13. The private sector also plays a part, and may do so increasingly, notably in the provision of private domiciliary care. 14. It is little wonder that the private sector mimics the Government in its disrespect for pensions. 15. It aims to look at how the private sector has and can increase its involvement in local and urban regeneration. 16. Many scientists working for the government have left for greener pastures in the private sector. 17. The new government's policy is to transfer state industries from the public sector to the private sector. 18. We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector. 19. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport. 20. The government plans to sell the railways piecemeal to the private sector. 21. She's earning a reasonable wage, but nothing to what she could if she was in the private sector. 22. Will such businesses be sufficiently profitable to generate the interest of the private sector? 23. Mata, a consummate politician, seemed to enjoy his powerful administrative role as middleman between the communities and the private sector. 24. The crisis surrounding the tunnel threatens to embarrass the Government, which insisted it be financed entirely by the private sector. 25. In this regard, the privatization strategy was criticized as merely transferring monopoly power from the public to the private sector. 26. Services can be contracted out or turned over to the private sector. 27. Mr. Heathcoat-Amory Yes, the sharpest reduction in disconnections for debt has occurred since the companies were put into the private sector. 28. In many cities, most vacant land was not owned by local government but by the private sector and statutory authorities. 29. The department is reported to be formulating ideas for new mechanisms to raise money from the private sector to pay for clean-up. 30. In Akron and elsewhere, vibrant city governments are those that work in partnership with the private sector.