event造句(181) A number of problems marred the smooth running of this event.
(182) In the unlikely event of anybody phoning, could you just scribble a message down?
(183) The 800 metres is the fourth event of the afternoon.
(184) In an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event.
(185) The battery should prevent the computer system from going down in the event of a power cut.
(186) Funds from the event will support the work of the hospice.
(187) More than 40 000 fans turned up for the 12-hour event.
(188) Sheila will inherit everything in the event of his death.
(189) A great deal of time and effort has gone into ensuring that the event runs smoothly.
(190) The games start off as a social event, but players soon become competitive.
(191) Over 80,000 people attended, making it the biggest sporting event in the area.
(192) He left a letter for me to read in the event of his death.
(193) For millions of Americans witnessing the event, it was a prima facie case of police brutality.
(194) There was saturation coverage of the event by the media.
(195) Every sporting event on television and satellite over the next seven days is listed.
(196) The novel is based on an event that he himself had witnessed.
(197) His moment of glory came when he won the Olympic downhill skiing event.
(198) In the event that he has not been told, I will tell him.
(199) I would like to thank everyone who attended our charity evening for supporting the event.
(200) You could be right, and in that event they'll have to pay you back.
(201) When the ship finally reached land, only a few of the crew were left to witness the event.
(202) Today is the hospital's fiftieth anniversary, and there will be a party to mark the event.
(203) Television camera crews broadcast the event all round the world.
(204) His son's death was the most traumatic event in Stan's life.
(205) Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage.
(206) Kansas City area churches kicked in $35,000 to support the event.
(207) Several leading players boycotted the event in protest at the reduced prize money.
(208) This event antedates the discovery of America by several centuries.
(209) The event had been planned with painstaking attention to detail.
(210) No official permission has been given for the event to take place.