perhaps造句(91) Perhaps he has grown wiser with age.
(92) Jerry is very honest, perhaps too much so.
(93) "Perhaps we can talk somewhere privately," said Kesler.
(94) I, perhaps naively, believed he was telling the truth.
(95) Perhaps some caviar can tempt your jaded palate.
(96) I think she's perhaps a little wanting in charm.
(97) Perhaps I'm too hard on her.
(98) Perhaps they were irritated by the sound of crying.
(99) This is a vast, exciting, and perhaps quixotic project.
(100) I think perhaps you've had enough to drink tonight.
(101) Perhaps we could have lunch before you go.
(102) Perhaps I'll buy lean meat and mince it myself.
(103) If by any chance you can't manage dinner tonight, perhaps we can at least have a drink together.
(104) This is perhaps the most difficult hurdle that we face.
(105) The horrors he experienced are imprinted, perhaps indelibly, in his brain.
(106) If you can't afford a new copy of the book, perhaps you can find a second-hand one.
(107) Perhaps you'll be able to snatch a couple of hours' sleep before dinner.
(108) I've really had quite enough to eat, but perhaps if you twist my arm I could have just a little bit more.
(109) Behind them was a confusion of noise, perhaps even a shot, but he couldn't swear to it.
(110) The play's message is perhaps too subtle to be understood by young children.
(111) Perhaps while you wait you would like a drink at the bar.
(112) Perhaps your father would condescend to help with the washing - up!
(113) Jill knows Spain really well. Perhaps she could give us a few tips .
(114) The price was knocked down to £3. Perhaps he'll knock the price down a little if the glass is broken.
(115) Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty.
(116) Perhaps I had misjudged him, and he was not so predictable after all.
(117) Perhaps they will wait until morning before launching a search .
(118) Not to worry - perhaps you'll be able to come next week instead.
(119) It was bulky, perhaps three feet long and almost as high.
(120) It is, in my humble opinion, perhaps the best steak restaurant in Great Britain.