快好知 kuaihz

271. Although Armstrong overcame the circumstances of his birth, he never really left New Orleans behind. 272. Although the report covers many areas, its underlying aim is to ensure that another accident never happens. 273. Although the original budget for the project was $1 billion, the eventual cost is likely to be 50% higher. 274. Although her father is in the firm she got the job on her own. 275. Although fortified by its election success, the government remains cautious in its policies. 276. The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures. 277. Although the situation was tense, her voice was calm and very assured. 277. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 278. I like the way she writes, although I'm not interested in her subject matter. 279. Although we were supposed to finish this month, it looks like the work will stretch well into next year. 280. Although he was disappointed about not getting the job, Jack soon bounced back. 281. Although he didn't score a goal, Zola made a telling contribution to the game. 282. Although the film was made fifty years ago, it has lost none of its magic. 283. Although they are pretending hard to be young, grey hair and cellulite give them away. 284. Although I can't help admiring the man's courage, I do not approve of his methods. 285. It is most often diagnosed in women in their thirties and forties, although I've seen it in many younger women, as well. 286. Although it contains a certain amount of truth, this theory ultimately misses the mark. 287. Although crimes against visitors were falling, the levels of crime were still too high for comfort. 288. Although I'm so successful I'm really rather a failure. That's a paradox, isn't it? 289. You can copy down my answers, although I'm not sure they're right. 290. Although the car is basically sound, I was worried about certain areas. 291. Although we lost the game, we took some consolation from the fact that we played well. 292. Although South Africa has many of the attributes of the first world-some good infrastructure, millions of rich people-it is still not part of that world.