although造句121. The doctor was humble about his work, although he cured many people.
122. Although he seems to be an old-fashioned non-conformist, he is in fact a very devout Catholic.
123. Although she might understand his beliefs, she could not accept them.
124. Although this painting clearly bears the stamp of genius, we don't know who painted it.
125. Although the majority of offenders are men, a small proportion - about 5 percent - are women.
126. Although she knew lots of people, she could count her friends on the fingers of one hand.
127. Although she didn't mention me by name, I know her remarks were intended for my benefit.
128. He sat there pontificating about the legal system although it was clear that he knew very little about it.
129. The statement added that although there were a number of differing views, these would be discussed by both sides.
130. He sweetened the pill by increasing wages, although by slightly less than he raised prices.
131. Although geographically linked, the two provinces have long fought for political ascendancy.
132. Although strictly illogical, Martin's interpretation of this paradox seems the best.
133. Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.
134. Although he wasn't actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.
135. Although most condoms contain spermicide, there are some manufactured without.
136. I felt he was wrong, although I didn't say so at the time.WHICH WORD?
137. Although he's less talented, he won by sheer dogged persistence.
138. And although she was probably just an ordinary-looking kid, in my eyes she was the most beautiful child on the face of the planet.
139. Although long-distance phone calls are going up, the charge for local calls will not alter.
140. There is no cure for the disease, although drugs can slow down its rate of development.
141. Although technically you may not have lied, you certainly haven't told us the whole truth.
142. Although the tests have caused some delay, flights should be back to normal this morning.
143. Several popular beaches were found unfit for bathing although the government passed them last year.
144. The soldiers plunged into action although they had just marched 20 miles.
145. Although many of his policies were unpopular, he had the courage of his convictions to see them through.
146. Although these were good students, none had a score above 60.
147. The car performs respectably on the motorway, although it is slightly noisy.
148. He didn't want to be involved in the organization of/for the conference, although he was willing to attend and speak.
149. Tardelli had a poor match, although in fairness he was playing with a knee injury.
150. In the final straight Meyers stumbled, and although he didn't fall it was enough to lose him first place.