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61. But the mountain goat is big enough to have relatively few predators. 62. But the bee just buzzed in the ear of the largest goat. 63. Dionysius was usually depicted with the flanks of a goat or bull to symbolise his fertility aspect. 64. The goat was chasing Mark round and round the field - it was so funny. 65. Then you can come here and see auctions, and people bringing everything from a billy goat to an elephant. 66. Even so, he despised being made the goat on the altar. 67. It is a poster of a Chagall painting of a floating wedding couple, with a goat as company. 68. Together the two of them set out for Lamri, leading the goat on a length of rope. 69. In truth, these peregrinations required the talents of a mountain goat. 70. And they ate Papparadelle Ripiene stuffed with goat cheese and Parmesan and covered with a grated lemon peel and cream sauce. 71. These have several compartments - four in the case of the mountain goat. 72. Perhaps they could substitute the girl for the goat in whatever Satanic ritual they were planning for later. 73. She gets my goat sometimes with her long, strong nose and her self-assertion. 74. Pour the goat cheese mixture over the potatoes and sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese. 75. Our landlord appeared quite unabashed chasing his goat out of the flower beds. 76. And a word of advice just you be careful of that old goat, Moreton. 77. On some occasions, a kid goat was also offered as atonement for the sins of the Hebrews. 78. The prisoner ran like a wild goat, and soon I saw that he was coming near the bottom of my hill. 79. The bee then buzzed the other two goats, who followed the big goat out. 80. The smallest goat went over the bridge first, and his hooves made a tiny trip-trap sound. 81. The eagle still had its talons in the goat, and the goat had its horns embedded in the eagle. 82. In a mixing bowl, crush the goat cheese with a fork until smooth. 83. My father said he was gon na tie me to the bed like some goat to keep me from falling into sin! 84. Nevertheless, the mountain goat maintains a tenuous but firm hold in its cruel environment, even though catastrophe is never far away. 85. He was as cranky as a bad-tempered goat, always putting his head down and charging into things that annoyed him. 86. Once this fall was likened to a gigantic weir, its crest a straight line between Goat Island and the opposite shore. 87. The thick shaggy coat of the mountain goat prepares it for the rigours of the Rocky Mountains' winter. 88. The oldest and biggest billy goat knocked the troll into the stream, and no one ever heard from him again. 89. During a typical summer's day, a mountain goat may travel around a kilometre in search of food. 90. It has an all-pervading stench of goat and rotting peaches.