goat造句91. Above the Falls, for almost a mile, the river raged and swirled around Goat Island.
92. I must provide my own food and buy my goat milk from them.
93. Porter bought Goat Island and Preserved it at an opportune moment.
94. But goat glands were by no means his only forte.
95. It's a very unusual breed of goat, dating back to the time of Cleopatra.
96. As if all that were not trouble enough, the landlord lets a goat loose in the flat.
97. Usually, a pregnant goat will not come on heat, but there are exceptions to both this and its converse.
98. Unlike the others, the goat is a ruminant, and will eat almost anything given half a chance.
99. Think how nice it would be to have on clean clothes and not literally smell like a goat.
100. She pushed open the door into the old goat shed.
101. Very soon the biggest billy goat came across the bridge.
102. The first billy goat makes just a little noise and has a tiny voice.
103. Crumble the goat cheese and let come to room temperature.
104. Effective though such techniques may be when goat numbers are low, they make little impact on a large population.
105. The troll again asked his question and learned that an even bigger goat would soon cross his bridge.
106. Next door to the Bowmer, Chateaulin offers a Euro-style menu, including scrumptious marinated goat cheese on toast fingers.
107. The hairs have overlapping scales, which gives them a rough texture and increases the friction between goat and snow.
108. The bows, with the woman and the goat, rose heavenward.
109. Their bristles were made from the finest hair available, taken from inside the ear of a goat.
110. He just wants to keep the goat tethered -; here, where he can see it.
111. There Dionysus gave them food and drink: herbs and berries and the milk of the wild goat.
112. Soon the middle Billy Goat Gruff came across the bridge with a louder trip-trap sound.
113. There's always a goat; the one that's going to get its throat cut.
114. The farmer tethered a goat in the field and left it there for the day.
115. He was climbing like a goat, moving with extraordinary speed.
116. At first glance I thought I was looking at a cross between a gibbon and a goat.
117. Its distinctive call is said to sound like an unhappy goat.
118. Where goat milk or milk products are used for human consumption, milk-withholding periods for different drugs should be observed.
119. Maybe it's because they sound like a goat rammed down a foghorn.
120. Whenever I take hold of a woman I feel as though my feet are slithering on tufted grass and goat willow.