快好知 kuaihz

91. Ironically, all this international isolation is turning out to be good for us, mobilizing our energy and our national spirit. 92. Of all parties, it was, ironically, the Jesuits who complained most in Maryland. 93. For the first time the black market has been upstaged-and, ironically, brought into the official fold. 94. Ironically, he was axed less than three weeks before Boro's first Wembley appearance. 95. Ironically, during that time, Charles and Diana enjoyed the happiest period of their married life. 96. Ironically, the huge brick factories are long gone, but the delicate glass remains. 97. Ironically, pachinko was introduced in 1948 as a harmless game for children. 98. Their thefts of milk, honey, and melons from local household plots he ironically termed as acts of smychka. 99. The fire which ironically had the purpose of killing Ralph and the island, saved them as a seaman spotted the smoke. 100. For this reason, Bachelard refers ironically to Sartre's phenomenology as a belated form of alchemy. 101. Ironically, this means that the most exciting objects for play are also the simplest and the cheapest. 102. I would rather be an artist than a leader. Ironically, a leader has to follow the rules.Criss Jami 103. Ironically, of course, these atavistic impulses no longer correspond to reality. 104. Ironically, the visionary leader who, through similar inconsistency, is labelled a good actor, risks losing credibility. 105. He discovers he has a talent for predicting the future, but ironically this privilege only increases his sense of the present. 106. Ironically she felt a tiny pang of regret for the long Viking locks, though she couldn't have said why. 107. I met them only once right before spring break and ironically at the very close of my relationship with Rudy. 108. Ironically the same Jim Carty was Devenish manager when they captured their sixth senior championship in 1985. 109. Ironically a period of severe economic depression may be advantageous, in one sense at least. 110. Ironically, in view of what had happened fifty years earlier, it was now the School's success which precipitated the next crisis. 111. Ironically, it is obviously during recession that the greatest demands are made on the social security budget as needs explodes. 112. These statutes were ironically among the main foci of opposition during those countries' independence movements. 113. Ironically, however, the mobility of the evidence may increase the chances of discovery since it will be given greater exposure. 114. Ironically, the older buildings were in a much better state of preservation. 115. Ironically, they are as much products of the context as the trade deficit and merger mania are. 116. Ironically, it might have been this shadow hanging over him which was responsible for his change in fortunes on the course. 117. Ironically, it was the fear of congressional action against noncitizens that had finally motivated him to apply for citizenship. 118. Ironically the release includes fees for attorneys, water and environmental professionals as income generated for the city. 119. Ironically, for two weeks in 1981, the royal yacht was the luxurious honeymoon base for Charles and Diana. 120. Ironically, his father was a member of St Helens' 1956 Cup winning team at Wembley.