conversion造句61. In all, the Buckau weighed only 20 tonnes more after her conversion.
62. Her prayers and heroic patience caused the conversion of her husband, who became a member of the Franciscan Third Order.
63. The Bill authorizing the conversion of a number of tram routes to trolleybus operation received Royal Assent on 31 July.
64. Dominic, whom he joined in laboring for the conversion of the heretics.
65. Electricity produced by radioactive isotopes, strontium 90, polonium 210, by thermoelectric energy conversion.
66. Despite the considerable losses of useful energy in the conversion process, electricity is indispensable for its flexibility of use.
67. According to this model, change is like a conversion experience.
68. Bush added the conversion to reduce the arrears to 15-10.
69. A main reason for their conversion from companies in the conventional form has been the maintenance of employment.
70. The number of shares of stock into which the bond may be converted is known as the conversion rate.
71. What caused its collapse was Craig's conversion to something which could be presented to loyalists as power-sharing.
72. He led a reign of terror until his conversion to Catholicism in 989.
73. Milk yields, crop yields and food conversion rates were all similar to those of the better farms in Britain.
74. Suggests that new incentives are needed to boost the rate of conversion activity.
75. Other structural details may also provide unexpected features for the conversion.
76. The Nobel citation noted that his discovery would be useful for energy conversion technology.
77. At Seletar he had been flying Vildebeest torpedo bombers, and he now underwent a conversion course on to the more modern Beauforts.
78. Conversion to this perspective represented a transition point in the socialization of new arrivals.
79. Conversion to grassland also explains much of the loss of healthy shrubs, coarse grasses, cotton grass and rushes.
80. However, it may give rise to the necessity for a fairly sophisticated mathematical calculation if a conversion table is not published.
81. In the absence of rational criteria to guide theory choice, theory change becomes akin to religious conversion.
82. Energy from the Sea Wave energy conversion offers huge amounts of power but demands a great deal more new technology than wind energy.
83. Of the SERC-funded students alone, there was an 80:20 split between students on conversion and specialist courses.
84. Another City bank conversion, with fantastic high ceilings, a glass dome, chandeliers and a central oval bar.
85. Andy Naughton-Doe, a chartered secretary, is collecting signatures to seek a conversion vote.
86. Liley had no problems with the conversion from the touchline and suddenly here was a match both of quality and drama.
87. Existing claims against the unit shall not by the process of conversion automatically become due.
88. The house is currently closed for extensive conservation works and conversion to a country house gallery.
89. As a student, he experienced a fanatical conversion to Marxism.
90. Often when there are dating errors it is the conversion into years rather than the dating method itself that is at fault.