conversion造句91. Nietzsche's musical attitudes remained more or less constant until the summer of 1868, when the conversion to Wagner began.
92. There are, consequently, those who view her conversion to the cause as belated, possibly opportunistic.
93. During the conversion process there are a wide range of options available to the user.
94. Their cars can undergo a potentially expensive conversion to the R-134a coolant that is being used in new cars.
95. To provide a focus, Section 11. 4 describes three conceptual approaches to oil boiler conversion to gas-coal burning.
96. Upgrading cylinders Direct cylinders can be converted simply to indirect ones using a cylinder conversion kit.
97. The company had hired a standard Sony digital tape recorder which was hooked to Johnson's own analogue-to-digital conversion system.
98. Manchester was the only neighbourhood not to witness conversion of buildings to single occupancy above the city average.
99. Local people are protesting about the proposed conversion of a church into a late-night bar.
100. The campaign's agenda of Trident, conversion, test bans and warhead convoys is plenty wide enough.
101. The air quality impact of conversion from oil to gas-coal is examined./conversion.html
102. It came with no endowment to meet the cost of conversion.
103. The plant's high ash content has led to its use for manure, and its conversion into compost.
104. He developed new psychologies to explain conversion but not new techniques for spreading it.
105. Unlike Beattie, who was socialized into evangelicalism and unionism, Ivan Foster was recruited after a more dramatic conversion.
106. Gifford was a former Royalist officer, an educated man who had himself experienced a fierce inward struggle in his puritan conversion.
107. The video ref gave it and Lansdowne Road erupted, especially after O'Gara added the conversion from wide on the touchline.
108. I had a very good man in to see to the heating and lighting, and the whole conversion was done professionally.
109. Hollins was held liable to Fowler for the conversion of the cotton.
110. First, by minimizing conversion capital costs while backing out of expensive oil we conserve both capital and consumer resources.
111. In the event of a failure during conversion, the backup copy may be restored.
112. Robson kicked four penalties and a conversion to add to tries by Peter Millichip and Ross Webber.
113. The catalysed conversion of methanol to ethanol by reaction with syn-gas, is also possible but not yet commercial.
114. Left-wing politicians are in favor of a slower conversion to capitalism.
115. The conversion of an old warehouse into apartments will be finished in June.
116. For thematic maps the principle cause of error is the original map document and its conversion to digital form.
117. Also on the shelves is a pair of antique silver candlesticks bored for conversion to electricity.
118. The most important are nuclear fission, wind, wave and tidal energy sources and solar energy by direct conversion and biomass.
119. Finally do you know anyone who undertakes this conversion work.
120. If there is conversion from memory to naive phenotype, the conversion rate will be significantly greater than zero.