快好知 kuaihz

31. The key turned halfway and then jammed. 32. The speaker lost his thread halfway through the talk. 33. It's about halfway between London and Bristol. 34. Halfway along the wall he overbalanced and fell. 35. The car broke down halfway to the destination. 36. We stopped halfway to admire the view . 37. Any halfway decent map will give you that information. 38. The engine cut out halfway across the lake. 39. You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent. 40. We've reached the halfway mark in the show. 41. Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot's licence. 42. Halfway through the race the horse went lame. 43. I left halfway through the film. 44. We're still only halfway to finishing the job. 45. The car broke down halfway to the camp. 46. Rotate the pan halfway through the baking time. 47. We only switched on halfway through the programme. 48. Her zipper stuck halfway up. 49. I'm halfway through her second novel. 50. I got the fidgets halfway through the lecture. 51. He pulled the cap halfway over his ears. 52. The halfway point / stage. 53. I lost interest halfway through the book. 54. The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway. 55. Halfway to the airport[/halfway.html], the engine packed in. 56. I'm afraid we're not even halfway there yet. 57. The carpet only reached halfway across the room. 58. She started feeling sick halfway through dinner. 59. Halfway through the meeting my mind started to wander. 60. I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through.