快好知 kuaihz

91. Halfway through the film reality evaporates and we enter a world of pure fantasy. 92. Halfway down the cigarette she had a fit of coughing. 93. Any halfway decent teacher should be able to explain the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs. 94. This is really halfway decent coffee. 95. The sniper got him when he was halfway there. 96. I got another infraction today at the halfway house. 97. A goal properly set is halfway reached.Zig Ziglar 98. Construction on the civic center is halfway there. 99. Believe you can and you're halfway there.Theodore Roosevelt 100. As I was halfway there, it opened. 101. It's halfway between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. 102. We switched seats halfway through the show. 103. I filled my glass only halfway with orange juice. 104. He is halfway into his term of office. 105. Halfway through the first year, he transferred to Berkeley. 106. The potholes go halfway up the tire. 107. Reading about that stuff, downing really halfway decent coffee. 108. Discs viable, a second halfway decent act was required. 109. For the most part students receive an hour of each subject, changing rooms and teachers halfway through the period. 110. This uneasy halfway house is fair game for the worst excesses of journalism. 111. Try to give the impression you are halfway through doing a domestic chore. 112. I was halfway through the gates before the first journalist reached me. 113. She wore leather sandals with straps that came halfway up her calves. 114. Halfway through the race, Cami was still at the front of the pack. 115. We stopped halfway up the hill to admire the view. 116. I run out of courage halfway through, and leave some. 117. And you need to be halfway decent and honest and real. 118. There is no halfway house for most people in the excellent companies. 119. Before they were halfway there the Orcs and Goblins regrouped. 120. He is expected to be released to a halfway house this summer.