weed造句31. Napalm poured into the villages while weed killers defoliated the countryside.
32. Choose a sheltered sunny position with well-drained and composted soil which is weed free.
33. Remember that the main judges don't see the bulk of the entries because the competition organisers weed them out beforehand.
34. The idea is that recruits from the towns will weed the crops.
35. These farm-worker children weed cotton fields, pick lettuce and cantaloupe and climb rickety ladders in cherry and apple orchards.
36. Another herbicide, Isoproturon, is in much wider use as a means of controlling the blackgrass weed which affects winter wheat.
37. The prehensile pectoral fins actually grasp the weed as the fish moves about.
38. Warren happened to ride toward the point in the long column occupied by the brigade of General Stephen H.. Weed.
39. In my garden it has made a swift transition from weed to wild flower to flower.
40. I'd walked into the garden, over tough grass that wasn't grass at all but rough, close-growing weed.
41. The removal of excess weed can guard against gas bubble disease.
42. A plant can be an obedient herb in one habitat and a rumbustious weed somewhere else.
43. After a quick look round to make sure that weed left no obvious signs of our own visit, we left.
44. Raw sewage was feeding an already rapid growth of algae, raising weed growth to critical levels.
45. For maximum effectiveness, weed killers and fertilizers should be applied now, says Glenn Hester, a Hidalgo County cotton farmer.
46. Applicants are first interviewed, to weed out the physically weak, violent and unstable.
47. Councils charged with caring for the public interest start to panic at the thought of this oversized weed with its excruciating sap.
48. Clean architectural lines, gleaming glass, flower beds so neat and regimented that no weed would dare to seed itself.
49. She walked round the pond to the sunny side where the water's surface was devoid of weed.
50. Business development professionals often rely on simple rules of thumb to sort potential relationships and weed out unlikely partners.
51. Clumps of sturdy weed grew wherever they could take a firm hold.
52. In the midst of all this I let go of one handful of weed to shake my fist at him.
53. As they approached the castle they realized that the advance of the red weed was increasing in speed.
54. The women polish the furniture, scrub the kitchen and weed the flowerbeds while Mrs McCormick is gone.
55. It is also a very useful rig for fishing over soft mud and weed.
56. But before jumping to that conclusion it is worth pondering whether the weed is more resistant to husbandry practice rather than the herbicide.
57. It may even look like a rather pretty weed, but it's still a weed.
58. Everyone called me a weed when I was at school because I was so bad at sports.
59. It also proved that mistakes with weed control were expensive to rectify later.
60. Soil: The favourite growing medium for waterlilies is heavy garden soil that has not been in contact with insecticides or weed killers.