tolerate造句91. I do not enjoy pulling rank, but I do not tolerate unmanly gossip and back-biting.
92. History, with a capital H, similarly can not tolerate otherness or leave it outside its economy of inclusion.
93. She could finally tolerate no more of his coldness and penny-pinching ways.
94. Most of the religious groups did not know how to act in concert or tolerate each other.
95. I ask you to cherish her unbridled passion for ideas and to tolerate her tenacity in following questions to satisfying conclusions.
96. The kittens tolerate a certain amount of this before deciding that enough is enough.
97. The Inspectors all know each other extremely well and sometimes have to tolerate each other's little foibles, too.
98. Sometimes listed as a deep water aquatic as it will also tolerate deep water. Late spring and early summer.
99. Currently, we tend to tolerate diseases and take action only when people start to complain.
100. Sixty percent of professors are moral cowards unwilling to rock the boat and therefore willing to tolerate the others.
101. All that liberals can not tolerate is pretension to infallibility.
102. She made it clear that she wished their relationship to continue, but could nor tolerate Charles's violent outbursts.
103. And will tolerate such mistakes as the O'Driscoll try and the cup final throw-in.
104. Pollution Targets and Critical Loads Critical loads mark the limit of nature's ability to tolerate acid rain.
105. The hen harrier is also the least migratory of the three species, more able to tolerate the cold.
106. But a head must in the end tolerate something less than the hoped-for whole being achieved.
107. It is not impossible that the situation is harder to tolerate in these households than in those with single carers.
108. But, as a scientist, she was and is prepared to tolerate this drive while it lasts without satisfying it.
109. No credible system of justice can tolerate such a farcical imbalance of power between contestants.
110. I also believe there are definite limits to what we can tolerate.
111. First, because markets are imperfect in various ways they will tolerate serious levels of inefficiency.
112. One evening at supper he told a story illustrating his refusal to tolerate the insolence of the lower classes.
113. She was given an epidural so that she could tolerate oxytocin augmentation.
114. A watercourse viewed primarily as an effluent carrier will be thought better able to tolerate further pollution.
115. They are also interpretations that do not tolerate challenges - either in the form of offences against the king or blasphemy.
116. Such fibrous-rooted subjects as bedding plants, lettuces and most herbaceous perennials will tolerate being transplanted.
117. For all that I have learned a greater variety of games, there are fewer I can tolerate.
118. Cold, as a rule, doesn't bother them but they will not tolerate prolonged wetness, particularly during the winter.
119. He has reached the point where he will not tolerate any further evidence of divided loyalties.
120. I can't tolerate my boss ,he is too nit-pick.