tolerate造句151. Bo is indeed quick-tempered and outspoken. He is a man of action and does not tolerate any sloppiness. His colleagues call him a "workaholic".
152. "There is greater public interest in protecting private life -- and that interest must tolerate the occasional missed misdemeanour," said Whittle, a former BBC controller of editorial policy.
153. The protocols are efficient and provable secure and can tolerate the malicious behavior of up to half of the proxies.
154. So the people around us influence how much law-breaking we can tolerate.
155. This paper puts forward a modified layered video coding, which enhances the compression rate of the video coder and its ability to tolerate cell losses.
156. Our tolerate is to make the own heart dependable, we loyalty is to work of with all one's heart serve faithfully to the utmost a job, so we do what can also say with a clear conscience!
157. Because of this knowingness , regardless of what the person had done, you are able to tolerate his weaknesses and see his potential of what he can become.
158. Once you become famous, the public cannot tolerate any spot on you. Though some spot may be common to average people, it may be fatal to celebrities.
159. All plug-in DAQ devices specify a maximum working voltage (MWV) that is the maximum common-mode voltage the DAQ device can tolerate and still make accurate measurements.
160. The rich tolerate the poor by taxpaying and contribution, i. e. bestowing on the poor their own resources and wealth.
161. Systems that tolerate any form of direct intervention by gowned personnel are nothing more than highly evolved conventional cleanrooms with gowned personnel.
162. At least one parlour in the tourist town of Batu on Java island has required its masseuses to padlock their skirts or trousers to make it clear that the establishment does not tolerate prostitution.
163. The short-haired variety is more often used for mountain work because he can tolerate cold temperatures.
164. The rainbow should also cause us to realise that God will not continually tolerate wickedness and ungodliness upon the earth.
165. By building computing resource network of high usability and fault tolerate capability, the P2P network makes possible for the reality of distributed computing.
165. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
166. Neuroses might be graded by the inability to tolerate ambiguous situations.
167. But his longer-term strategy is to ensure that a future Palestinian state, which Mr Netanyahu half-heartedly says he would tolerate, is tightly circumscribed.
168. Adaptation: The cherimoya is subtropical or mild-temperate and will tolerate light frosts.
169. It takes about a month or two, but tattling ends quickly in my classroom. I just don't tolerate it.
170. He teaches with a barely suppressed aggression, refusing to tolerate teenage slothfulness.
171. In counting to the arm hoop iron is similar, sometimes sleeping to sink will press like mountain she breathes heavily whatsoever annoy-Ni gram missing tolerate Fei.
172. This image is of the skin of the bull shark, an aggressive species that can tolerate fresh water and is thought to be responsible for many near-shore attacks.