快好知 kuaihz

151. Worse was to come when no less a person than Khomeini called for their execution should the deed prove to be deliberate. 152. In karate the kiai is used during the execution of a focused technique. 153. Or was it a complex mixture of defensible goals and disastrous execution? 154. He ordered them out to execution on the instant, and it was done. 155. Those friends, who were not identified, were invited by Bonin to witness the execution. 156. The crosses in the pavement mark their place of execution. 157. There is nothing in these principles to prevent the lease from creating obligations in respect of any period before the execution of the lease. 158. This incurred great wrath on the part of my father, who finally issued an execution order. 159. In the annals of innovation, new ideas are only part of the equation. Execution is just as important.Steve Jobs 160. Horner was the principal architect of the air campaign and orchestrated its execution. 161. Maxmian ordered the execution of every tenth man, which proved to be an ineffective deterrent. 162. Shortly before his execution, John Hutt admitted the murder of Ann Pearman. 163. There will be no stay of execution and few mourners for this spoiled concrete child of the Sixties. 164. Assault on a constable in the execution of his duty, it is argued, properly belongs in constitutional law. 165. It is an odd feeling, knowing that soon you will witness a public execution. 166. He simply sees a connection between the sham lion hunt and the all-too-real execution of his brother. 167. Apart from the novelty value of this, there is the advantage of speed of execution. 168. The Tans had swarmed over the countryside looking for them after the execution. 169. The sum deposited is to be paid on or before the execution of the lease. 170. They are doctored-up mirror images, innocuous illustrations of everyday events in which skill of execution utterly predominates over imagination. 171. Such an appeal could delay the execution for years, legal experts agree. 172. The 40,000 people crammed on to its terraces on May 9 had come to watch an execution. 173. Reports of inhuman treatment, torture, and public execution for failure to conform with Kimism were rife. 174. He asked Billy what he thought the worst form of execution was. 175. Best execution will also apply in principle to agency and other fiduciary transactions for non-private customers. 176. I will write about witnessing the execution in a special Saturday column. 177. Provided that this section shall not affect any general rule of law relating to the execution of deeds or negotiable instruments. 178. This kind of action needs precise timing and director Mike Alfreds and his 14 strong cast provide the elegantly energetic execution required. 179. She also drew Ted Bundy during his final hearing before execution. 180. They were the first Texans to witness the execution of their loved ones' killer.