快好知 kuaihz

211. The electric chair is possibly the cruelest method of execution. 212. Much ill-feeling was vented out on former collaborators, many of whom faced summary execution before government authority was fully established. 213. This was all legal and proper, but in the execution of this work things went sadly wrong. 214. As a matter of practice execution is often not carried out pending the hearing. 215. Our decision to back Tito led to our ally Mihailovich's execution and today's Yugoslav bloodbath. 216. This law was seldom or never put in execution. 217. Increase the execution group (DataFlowEngine) data segment size (only AIX) as needed. 218. Execution status reports by plan, owner, and machine each display charts with data that is divided into six color-coded categories. 219. This time, a string concatenation has occurred within the same method, and the input parameter is now bound to a String type argument at function execution time. 220. The main functions, hardware component, network configuration and software design idea of process control level, basic automation level and field execution level for this control system are described. 221. There is only a little recite on testament execution in Inherit Law, but has not essential prescript about it. 222. Stored procedure execution failed due to enabled application generator. Disable generator for application before using this stored procedure. 223. The way to lower the policy execution cost mainly lies in a sound policy system, strengthening the coordination between the policy systems and optimizing the policy resources. 224. Developing a response for a request for proposal (RFP) requires a well-thought-out execution plan for developing the proposal itself. 225. A program element becomes a release candidate when coding is complete; however, successful execution of tests is required before the code is released. 226. Accordingly, absent the contracting state's explicit waiver of all aspects of its sovereign immunity, its assets will generally enjoy immunity from execution. 227. If a NOT LOGGED table encounters an execution error during a data changing statement there is only one choice for DB2: to truncate the table. 228. The core of DM 3 - ADB rule execution module is to construct a virtual machine. 229. At the same time, it applies process controlling theory to engineering execution phase to control the items of B. Q, and discourses visa and claiming for compensation management. 230. Development campaign strategies and oversee the execution of the entire campaign. 231. Objective To discuss the methods of the dosimetric verification in the intensity modulated radiation therapy(IMRT) and insure correct execution of the IMRT planning in the clinical practice. 232. Cross component trace shows the execution path of all SCA components, even if the project being referenced is not in the current workspace. 233. The execution procedure of WTMB algorithm is:Considering the impact of task execution time variance on scheduling performance, firstly calculate the execution time variance of all tasks. 234. We choose the Minimum Description Length algorithm, because the MDL pruning algorithm achieves good accuracy, small trees[.com], and fast execution times. 235. From there on, the same query decomposition, optimization and execution steps are performed as described above. 236. If the xmlto and xsltproc applications and a JVM are correctly installed on your system and are in your execution path, each of these commands returns version information about that application. 237. Spokesman Mark Toner said, "We're deeply troubled by press reports of the planned execution by Iranian authorities of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani by stoning. 238. Previously, the application would not have detected this error until execution, producing error messages and a storage dump. 239. Simultaneous multi-threading presented 16 concurrent execution threads or logical processors. 240. Therefore, a robust design and execution process should be followed to ensure efficient creation of the appropriate number, size and orientation of perforations.