快好知 kuaihz

91. The instructions and authority they have received from the interim government are not instructions and authority from the Government of the Republic. 92. Teams from the Republic, if they win the Milk Cup, are also automatically awarded two other trophies. 93. He secured 11 ministerial jobs, including home affairs and justice, during the Fourth Republic. 94. Critics point out the nit-picking thoroughness which legal authorities in the Republic so often bring to bear on extradition requests. 95. Lenin was not a nationalist, and his central political aim was to preserve the Republic as a springboard for world revolution. 96. Nu's task in London was somehow to keep the republic, while securing constitutional concessions. 97. The other three men, two with addresses in the Republic, denied the same charge. 98. Unlike the Weimar Republic, the Bonn Republic is prepared to defend itself. 99. The government, however, did not thereby gain the allegiance of the higher social groups to the Republic. 100. The House of the Republic dominates the skyline of Bucharest not so much through its height but its mass. 101. The self-styled Leader of the New Republic refused all attempts at negotiation by the former government. 102. Poland, the Czech Republic, and other countries liberated from Soviet rule have done very well economically. 103. In the Federal Republic, the parties participate in forming the will of the people. 104. In an electronic republic, finding the answer to that question is essential. 105. The man has been deported back to the Irish Republic where he will face terrorism charges. 106. For two years following October 1936, Soviet aid helped the Republic to fight on. 107. These include a number of commentators on Plato: on his Republic and the Timaeus by writers such as Proclus. 108. The rebel strongholds are located in the east of the republic. 109. Each Akawaio settlement is a tiny republic whose patriotism bristles with hostility towards other, rival communities. 110. Berlusconi, who is on trial for bribery, betrayed those who voted for a new republic. 111. The history of the Federal Republic might then have followed a more erratic course. 112. Novelist Herman Melville at one stage in his life wanted the Republic itself to promote cohesion and mission. 113. In conjunction with a state of emergency the President might also impose temporary direct presidential rule over a union republic. 114. The Crimea had been an autonomous republic from 1921 to 1945. 115. This is partly true-which explains the relative stability the Czech Republic enjoyed in the first half of the 1990s. 116. They are inseparable. Political supporters have been invited to White House functions since the beginning of the republic. 117. In the South the church accepts the status of the independent republic and is loyal to it. 118. All those with permanent residence in the republic are to be allowed to vote in a 10 December poll. 119. They are never forceful enough in condemning bad policing that is a disgrace to the republic and to the rule of law. 120. The government halted the distribution of petrol and the Committees for the Defence of the Republic began distributing arms.