快好知 kuaihz

181. Yes, sir, the vicious Canuck will not rest until the Republic is lying in its own blood and gore! 182. Under the terms of the agreement a state of transition was established prior to the creation of the third republic within 18 months. 183. Moldavia refused to hold the referendum on the grounds that it would worsen ethnic tensions in the republic. 184. Indeed, many Czech Roma were denied citizenship of the new republic under the 1993 Citizenship Law. 185. The suspension of over 40 federal laws in the republic was announced the following day. 186. The IRA drove the inspectors to the first dump in the Republic of Ireland. 187. The Third Republic had survived the Great War of 1914-18 but its institutions were blamed by many for the humiliation of 1940. 188. Without a dictatorial Coriolanus, Shakespeare's point about the implied threat to the republic is stated rather than felt. 189. Last week, police arrested a motorist in Houston for driving a car with Republic of Texas license plates. 190. Congress delegates from South Ossetia and from the autonomous republic of Abkhazia boycotted the voting. 191. This is proof of the erosive effects of past inflation rate which climbed to banana republic levels in the 1970s. 192. So the political maturity of the Federal Republic and its institutions will be tested as never before. 193. Democratic Republic of the Congo is renamed Zaire. 194. Embassy of the Republic of Croatia? 195. The PRC stands for the People's Republic of China. 196. Our firm is registered in the Republic of Cyprus. 197. Long live the Republic of Panama! 198. Embassy of the Republic of Finland? 199. Embassy of the Republic of Guinea? 200. Any appointed work site within the Republic of Singapore. 201. 1961 - Creation of the Republic of South Africa. 202. Indonesia , officially the Republic of Indonesia , is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. 203. The Confucius Institute of the University of Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya is the first of its kind in Africa. 204. The Independent reports that citizens of the small, post-Soviet republic of Moldova are the world's biggest drinkers, knocking back the equivalent of more than 18 litres of pure alcohol per year. 205. Do you have relatives living in the Republic of Belarus? 206. March 8, 2007—World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz gets a first-hand look today at one of the biggest challenges to the Democratic Republic of the Congo as it emerges from decades of strife. 207. Dubbed Pleasant Island in the 18th Century by the captain of a passing British ship - it is the world's smallest independent republic, a coral speck dwarfed by the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. 208. The civil war coming to an end before long has caused serious damages to the infrastructures and investment environment in the Republic of Angola. 209. China is ready to join hands with the Kyrgyz Republic to renew efforts in promoting the long-term good-neighborly and friendly cooperation. 210. Sisters' Rock is an island in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.