快好知 kuaihz

151. For hundreds of years, it has been an imperial capital of Europe, home to the powerful Hapsburg Empire, which spread its influence far and wide. 152. If you think that a Russian Federation wants to restore a Soviet Empire, that's a rubbish. 153. Nor did any lachrymose letter in the Times predict a speedy downfall of the Empire for this apathy of its local guardians. 154. After the transient resurgence of imperial court of Macedonia, Byzantine Empire began to decline. 155. But it demonstrates the strength of Russia's multi-ethnic empire and the depth of its integration in European affairs and security. 156. The story goes that during the Roman Empire, there was an incredibly beautiful maiden named Rhodanthe. 157. I think I see what your problem is, my civilized friend. You are not sure if I will act in the best interest of the Empire, being an outlander. 158. Toledo'sdistinctive twisted streets and covered passageways evoke thecity's golden years as part of the Arab Empire.