divine造句61. The final surprise is that in the Old Testament the Spirit does not appear as a divine being.
62. The divine art of poetry was dedicated once to a religious purpose.
63. Those other features revealed in various divine forms were simply ignored, in particular with relation to Osiris and the afterlife.
64. I had a divine right and a solemn duty to warn them, but failed miserably.
65. The prophets they portray were at once more civilized than their masters and more closely in touch with the divine will.
66. And yet, the idea of a Goddess, a wholly divine being, actually being born struck them as bizarre.
67. The true whole divine power remained hidden and mysterious and mortal man was unable to see its perfection.
68. The Four Horse Men of the Apocalypse apparently felt it inappropriate to arrive as a messenger of divine retribution.
69. He is using your partner as divine sandpaper to take off the rough edges.
70. Justice entailed bringing all relations within the ambit of divine order.
71. According to Gandhi, it is when symbols become fetishes and embodiments of the divine, that they might be construed as idols.
72. It is, I suppose, divine retribution for the treatment your whiteness receives in certain doctors' surgeries.
73. He suggests at the start of verse 3 that it is a sort of divine reassurance from his dead friend.
74. Not even the Divine Sarah, apparently, could be allowed to interrupt his train of thought.
75. At its head soared a great fountain on which stood Columbia, a divine giantess, on the Barge of State.
76. Those with such an awakened spirit might be blessed in this life with divine dreams and revelations.
77. Some bicyclists apparently think they have a divine right to ride wherever they want.
78. Every question was considered in light of the King's conscience and of divine precepts.
79. Spoken words were not crucial because people should be able to divine the next move.
80. We thought there was some sort of divine providence which would somehow or other get us away.
81. But such divine activity does not obviate the urgent need for witness.
82. The combination of sweet prunes and rabbit in this classic dish is divine.
83. In all divine offices in the abbey, in reading and in meditation, he associated with the brethren in the cloister.
84. Others will divine whether the Martins were lucky hobbyists or party stooges.
85. Such is what the traditional doctrines of divine omnipotence, preservation and providence are really saying.
86. The boy's parents believe his illness is divine retribution for their sins.
87. The San Francisco quake was mild compared to the roar of divine judgment soon to come.
88. The group who were the most uncompromising in their attachment to divine and hereditary right were the Nonjurors.
89. What is truly disconcerting about the story is the result of the fall, and the divine purpose behind it.
90. Anyone who challenges my authority will have to stand up to this divine power when I come to Corinth.