快好知 kuaihz

241. In their eyes, it is a special place whose specialness is part, and even proof, of a divine purpose. 242. He perceived that by some means or other she, like himself, had divine the truth of her father being the murderer. 243. "Isn't it divine?" she said. "I wish I had the right sort of brooch to lend you for it." 244. In the language of the Fathers and the Councils of the early church, Jesus Christ as the incarnate Son of God unites human and divine natures in his own single person (hypostasis). 245. My Prayer:Please help me clearly hear, see, feel , and know the Divine guidance that I have asked and prayed for. 246. " The end of World War II, the Japanese emperor in "the end of the war rescript" Japan also known as "Divine", but Japan and China is obviously the two. 247. Louis believed strongly in the divine right of kings, saying that he was the sun and that his courtiers and France should revolve around him like planets. 248. Because it cannot be known apart from divine revelation in Holy Scripture, no one may bind our conscience with any law other than that revealed by God. 249. According to Thoth, the divine language form represented in the Alphabet of the Ark, is contained within the matrix of this greater Archangelic flame script. 250. In The Age of Reason, Paine had arguedagainst both atheism and Christianity in favour of a deism which rejects anyappeal to divine revelation. 251. Based on the Divine Comedy by the Italian poet Dante, it shows his encounter with souls damned for the sins of the flesh. 252. Buber also offered an evolutionary aspect of the divine he referred to as "dialogical spirituality." 253. When one inhales, one should syncopate their breath of life with both physical and nonphysical counterparts breathing together in divine timing. 254. One day a man came to ask Third Fairy's divine aid in curing an ailment. 255. To protect man's rights, God has revealed certain principles of divine law. 256. Believe in perfect health, prosperity, peace, wealth, and divine guidance. 257. We also highly recommend opening fully to divine guidance, and asking only for guidance that serves what is best for all of us. 258. In these documents the natural divine filiation of Jesus even as man is strongly asserted, and His adoptive filiation , at least in so far as it excludes the natural, is rejected as heretical. 259. The conception of the Mother of God was beyond all comparison more noble than that of St. John the Baptist, whilst it was immeasurably beneath that of her Divine Son. 260. They had leaders and noble families, but no quasi - divine monarch surrounded by an elaborately organized court. 261. It doesn't really matter if this is correct or a load of old hooey because it gives me the chance to talk about the divine Jane Lynch. 262. The divine soul is everywhere in the Miltonic body, the human body. 263. Tony sipped from his glass. "Mmm. Ambrosia. Nectar of the gods. Divine. Wonderful." 264. The high the latest fashion that autumn winter series contains clarity is delicate divine marrow, the outside indelicacy of firm independence shows meticulous woman idiosyncratic. 265. The Emerald Crystal of the Divine Feminine has then assumed the role of trigger point for all of the Master Crystals. 266. I next appeared and claimed that being the initial letter in the divine name IHVH, it was the best for the work of creation. 267. He didn't know he'd won when he sat down to dinner on Tuesday, but he spent the evening cannily trying to divine the result from the way the cameras were positioning themselves. 268. Titian made another painting of the divine huntress and Cadmus's grandson: The Death of Actaeon, which hangs in the National Gallery in London. 268. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 269. Hardly anywhere else can your soul relax quite like this. The pictures that you see spring from the Divine Reality. 270. Inside the compound stood a shrine to Banbibi, the divine protectress of the forest, and to Dakshin Roi, the tiger god.