thereby造句91. Borehole break-outs have been found to give an indication of stress anisotropy thereby enabling the fracture orientation to be predicted.
92. This has enabled staff to match their management techniques to an agreed standard and children have thereby experienced a more consistent approach.
93. The dominant class, the capitalists, own and control the means of production and thereby exploit the subordinate working class.
94. They can thereby create patient expectation of the level of demand that will be serviced.
95. The film's posters and publicity thereby recalled the original book and not just because later editions featured this image.
96. One of the key actions taken was to raise market prices immediately to increase revenues and thereby achieve the 1984 plan.
97. It was here that they were forced to eat beef thereby becoming instantly de-Hinduized.
98. The child in due course in new contexts uses the modifier with substantives, thereby expressing his desires more clearly.
99. Any partial parse that is rejected will be removed - thereby removing any parse that would have contained this component.
100. However this largely-quantitative work seeks to understand relationships predominantly in terms of economic power, thereby ignoring the importance of emotional bonds.
101. It can also happen that one player can fuel the confidence of a teammate, thereby causing a prophecy to be fulfilled.
102. An end to unity on the left, and thereby of its political dominance, was in sight.
103. Like pectin, psyllium forms a gel which is not digested or absorbed, thereby increasing the viscosity of the meal.
104. Most work in which humans engage with some personal satisfaction would seem emptied of all point thereby.
105. It thereby assists the maintenance of domestic capitalist interests and elaborates its repressive apparatuses.
106. The home thereby acquires a special significance; an institution protected by the males, if necessary by aggressive actions towards others.
107. He repudiated his first wife and married a recognised Judaic princess, thereby seeking at least a form of legal sanction.
108. That problem will increase, thereby penalising schools with the most experienced and loyal teaching staffs.
109. Similarly, the classes-in-struggle contest control of the state and its apparatus, thereby seeking to promote their own interests.
110. Females tend to remain in their natal units, which thereby increase gradually in size.
111. The board should minute the projections thereby approving them before the Information memorandum is distributed.
111.try its best to collect and build good sentences.
112. By relieving it of responsibility for details, Parliament was thereby able to concentrate on major issues of policy.
113. Thereby, he gives the field involving very diverse solvents a generality that is not often discerned in the writing of others.
114. Some programs maintain the aspect ratio between width and height whilst scaling, thereby avoiding distortion.
115. The perverted originality of Iago's ruse, now linked to a cause, thereby loses its lurid gleam.
116. In other collaborative activities individuals take turns in sitting vigilantly alert while others feed, thereby functioning as watchdogs or guards.
117. As it is thereby illustrated and developed its implications should clarify.
118. Can they reach point B, thereby preserving their privileged position as insiders?
119. So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
120. New equipment was therefore brought sparingly or deferred altogether, thereby slowing relative progress still further.