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121, The fine red-gold of his hair was like an angel's aureole against the street lamp. 122, When her husband was fast asleep she must leave the bed, light the lamp, and get the knife. 123, There was a shaded desk lamp by the telephone, and that was it. 124, Down in the dark and foggy street a figure stood waiting beneath a lighted gas lamp. 125, They told him they had heard that the doctor had managed to avoid them all by driving into the lamp post. 126, The wood stove was burning down, the oil in the lamp almost gone. 127, Douglas burst open the door into the first, where somebody had lit a lamp. 128, With that thought, once Peter had left she switched out the bedside lamp and burrowed down. 129, When Pascoe woke, the room was a cave; the shrouded lamp cast a dull glow. 130, The flickering lamp above their heads and the patches of colour round the walls gave the room a cosy lived-in air. 131, From the desk lamp, glassy nuclei of brightness followed the words he wrote. 132, Shamrock cup and saucer by Beleek Bestlite 31170 solid brass lamp base with dark green enamelled shade. 133, There was a hot fire in the potbellied stove and an oil lamp burning high on a table in the corner. 134, It is operated by the light from an ordinary desk lamp to provide an excellent level of illumination at its screen. 135, For an instant, his gaze had shifted to the bedside cabinet, where their whisky glasses stood beneath the lamp. 135,try its best to gather and create good sentences. 136, The lamp genie: He could bestow the most fabulous gifts imaginable, and his power seemingly had no end. 137, There was nothing in the room but a table, a chair, and a dim lamp. 138, There is a fog lamp in the rear and two up front. 139, The light of the lamp did not reach as far as the high ceiling, and the fire had burned low. 140, I dragged over a gooseneck lamp and positioned it to best advantage. 141, An ideal gift for any student is an adjustable desk lamp, the more flexible the better. 142, Nell's lamp softly illuminated their faces as they held a council of war. 143, He fixed the lamp to the wall above the bed with a couple of screws. 144, In the bald white light of my desk lamp I took another look-and there were more eggs now than before. 145, Timing the motion of the lamp by his own pulse, Galileo saw that the length of a pendulum determines its rate. 146, Suddenly Donald was tied to his chair with the flex from the lamp, the plug still attached. 147, The gas lamp flickered and spluttered above him, sending moving shadows across the walls. 148, Lanterne Rouge Last rider on general classification, given a red lamp and a special cheer on arrival in Paris. 149, Floor lamps Use a floor lamp to create enticing pools of light. 150, Switching off the bedside lamp, he leapt into position behind the slowly opening door.