快好知 kuaihz

31, They are almost as expeditious and effectual as Aladdin's lamp. 32, The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements. 33, The sun, a lamp, or an electric heater all warm us by radiation. 34, The room was dimly illuminated by the soft glow of his bedside lamp. 35, Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last. 36, He switched off the bedside lamp and burrowed down beneath the bedclothes. 37, He overturned the lamp. 38, In some stories, genies are always found inside a lamp or bottle. 39, The shade on the lamp was slightly crooked. 40, The lamp threw out a dim light. 41, The lamp tower soars above the horizon. 42, Please turn the lamp end for end. 43, In his excitement, he knocked over a lamp. 44, Nadia's been nagging me to fix the lamp. 45, A lamp stood on the table. 46, My lamp uses 40 watts. 47, Lamp that guy in uniform. 48, The hostess set a lamp on the table. 49, Ow! - I got a shock from that lamp! 50, An oil lamp burned in the darkness. 51, The lamp is on the table. 52, The lamp shed soft light on the desk. 53, That new lamp they've bought is pure kitsch. 54, An old-fashioned gas lamp hung from the ceiling. 55, A moth was fluttering round the lamp. 56, There was a lamp hanging over the table. 57, A gas lamp gave out a pale yellowish light. 58, They saw the gleam of a lamp ahead. 59, Please turn up the desk lamp a bit. 60, The feeble light of a tin lamp.