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151. They should be identical; otherwise, you have a programming error. 152. Because the threads execute identical code, they should have similar dynamic priority adjustments and execute in a round-robin fashion from the same run-queues. 153. The specificity immunity has the specificity, can resist the identical kind of microorganism the superinfection, cannot inherit. 154. The interval of the time lag is identical of each lane controlled and when the input is a random sign, we can adopt quadratic function of optimum control and separation theorem. 155. However, no particular form is required, and the entry for port name simply needs to be identical to the SVCENAME parameter. 156. The singular position of similar platform 3UPU reached by algebraical method is identical to the position of general 3UPU analysized by vector method. 157. Men with a lot of negative affectivity often express this in the form of anxiety or anger, but otherwise the characteristics are identical between the sexes. 158. This paper considers a two identical components paralleled repairable system with inspection cycle. 159. Measuring data , specified data, simulation and digital output are identical. 160. From this perspective male and female genitals are not essentially different in kind but merely located in different places, one inside and one outside, each possessing identical elements. 161. The ability of maltose fermentation in polyhybrids (trihybrids and tetra-hybrids) is almost identical with their dihybrids. 162. Since the returned value is identical to the value of the "name" attribute, the only advantage of this query element is to validate the user ID. 163. Or is it just a modern factory that turns out standardized products year after year, which Bear different serial numbers But perform identical functions? 164. In English some confusable figures of speech appear identical in structure but slightly or radically different in their pragmatic function. 165. When given to ferrets, it produces a disease whose symptoms are all but identical to the Iowan pig virus. 166. Now consider the case of a half-cycle shift A between the identical functions. 167. Special Mount: The antipaladin's special mount is identical to the paladin's special mount, except that it is a crossbreed of mundane steed and nightmare and is utterly evil. 168. The case that one of the two entangled identical two-level atoms interacts with a single-mode field among three-body entanglement was mainly considered. 169. It would be identical to diving into a pool of 40-degree water naked, even at the warmest time of year. 170. In the logo, Obama wears the identical apron and bowtie as those of Colonel Sander's. 171. The panel expects the core personal consumption expenditures deflator to rise 1.5 percent in 2010, following an identical gain in 2009. 172. Because cause swimmy reason to differ, go up in cure also each are not identical. 173. Architecturally it is oppressively dull. Each of the fifty-four towns are built according to an identical plan. 174. Comparing an unmarried man with his married identical twin takes genetics out of the equation and makes it more likely that you're uncovering environmental effects. 175. Cocaine also alters how the nasal passages normally work, causing a condition identical to, or even more severe than that produced by decongestant nasal sprays. 176. Note that the accuracy and exception handling might not be identical in MASS functions and system library functions. 177. Half of the women drank milk with probiotics from the 36th week of their pregnancy until their baby was 3 months old. The other half drank identical milk that contained no probiotics. 178. If pretreatment with coagulation is accomplished, the overall plant using a rapid sand filter should deliver the same quality product water as an identical plant using a low sand filter. 179. Meanwhile, in Youngstown, a student with an identical high-school record might enter the local community college and face no such requirement. 180. The law of nature is substantially identical to the decalogue and was revealed in Eden and is known naturally by all humans such that all are without excuse before God.