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91. A long book is not necessarily a good book – a short book can be equally more meaningful and powerful.Dr T.P.Chia 92. Academic libraries Meaningful standards for academic libraries are particularly difficult to devise, because of the wide disparity of existing libraries. 93. Learning is an antidote of ignorance. Learning liberates us by increasing our knowledge and enriching our minds and souls. Learning makes our lives more interesting, exciting and meaningful.Dr T.P.Chia 94. It's easier, though, to remember a meaningful sentence or phrase of six words than to remember six disconnected words. 95. However, when these words occur within a meaningful context, they can easily be read and understood by humans. 96. But for all this effort, meaningful accomplishments are few and far between. 97. The twentieth century provides a vehicle for more meaningful exploration of the influence such cosmic events would have had upon the world. 98. The aim of semantic processing is to demote word combinations that are not meaningful. 99. The resource implications of a meaningful software acquisition programme are formidable. 100. Lots of meaningful glances and repressed passion as only the Victorians knew how. 101. The University of Michigan asked thousands of workers to list the most important aspects of meaningful work. 102. Yet we systematically deny these individuals the opportunity to engage in meaningful ways with the adult world. 103. Especially when the struggle is so difficult, and the behavior so enticing, pleasurable, and meaningful. 104. Crawford was eager to allow the bureaucrats to steamroller over any meaningful citizen participation in the process. 105. Working relationships will have been established and the chances of staff making a meaningful contribution increased. 106. The mind can think only one thought at a time. If your mind is occupied by a meaningless thought, you block a meaningful thought from entering it.RVM 107. It is the cultural context that provides Dasein with meaningful possibilities for its concrete ways of being engaged in the world. 108. This is too short a time frame to be meaningful. 109. Figures such as these are not particularly meaningful because the information is highly aggregated. 110. What constitutes meaningful is the basis for a philosophical argument. 110.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 111. Those Volunteers for whom the experience was most meaningful were those who acquired clear insights into the problems confronting a developing society. 112. However, such a basic comparison is too crude to be meaningful. 113. Thus, one may develop various analytical measures to portray meaningful relationships and extract information from raw financial data. 114. It is meaningful for power supply reliability and safety. 115. All agree that there will be no meaningful recovery until the credit markets are unclogged. 116. So the problem is how to utilize limited audit resources to get a meaningful understanding of the true value of the enterprise. 117. But until we commit to treating content as a critical asset worthy of strategic planning and meaningful investment, we'll continue to churn out worthless content in reaction to unmeasured requests. 118. In this article a meaningful public watermark algorithm based on DCT was realized. An idea of controlling the position embedded by the random series was inducted which improved the algorithm. 119. Bothe enterprise and individual pay attention to this problem. At this background, a huge green market emerges and the research about green marketing is meaningful. 120. The pumping speed is predicted according to the vacuum-pumping program, and it is very instructive and meaningful for choosing the vacuum pump in the succeeding phase.