particle造句61 The more precisely you measure the position of a particle, the less precisely you can measure its velocity, and viceversa.
62 To take a simple example, the important subatomic particle called the electron has a negative electrical charge.
63 Two antiparticles could therefore be drawn together by antigravity, but a particle of matter would be repelled by an antiparticle.
64 He pressed his thumb against the wall and removed a dry particle of reptile spine from its cool surface.
65 The force-carrying particle then collides with another matter particle and is absorbed.
66 A divorce is decreed between wave and particle which quantum theory had for ever joined together.
67 Thus can a minuscule particle tip the scales one way or another.
68 Achieving efficient liberation of the smallest grains requires crushing them to a very small particle size.
69 Particle beams promise substantially higher efficiency than do lasers, but focusing presents severe problems.
70 For every virus particle cleared, however, at least one new one replaces it.
71 What happens is that a matter particle, such as an electron or a quark, emits a force-carrying particle.
72 These often demand restricted ranges of particle sizes in fixed proportions within the gravel.
73 Each generation has four members: two quarks, an electron-like particle and a neutrino.
74 The recoil from this emission changes the velocity of the matter particle.
75 The focus of the book is entirely on the question of aerosol particle size analysis.
76 Now if we wish to use Newtonian mechanics we must relate velocity and acceleration to the same particle.
77 Matter is constructed from very different particle species and the proportions of these vary from material to material.
78 Otherwise the fields in the immediate neighbourhood of each particle become infinite.
79 That is, the position of a particle could not be defined with absolute certainty, but only by statistical probability.
80 A bluish envelope of flame surrounds the particle as it burns.
81 Before a virus particle is prepared for the electron microscope it must be made static.
82 His conclusion was that one particle might survive for every 10,000 billion that started.
83 Yet it seemed to absorb every particle of light as if it had never been.
84 As a consequence, only laboratories with immediate access to particle accelerators can carry out this sort of work.
85 This force is universal, that is, every particle feels the force of gravity, according to its mass or energy.
86 We have learnt that, according to quantum mechanics, even a single particle must behave like a wave all by itself.
87 The aliquots are withdrawn from specified depths at the time intervals shown for a full analysis of the fine particle content.
88 To effect the separation it was needful that the particle size was more or less the same.
89 The explanations were so arcane I would have made more headway with a textbook on particle physics.
90 That's why its discovery is the last goal for the time being of particle physics.