particle造句91 That is why the track a particle makes when going through a bubble chamber looks almost straight.
92 The real interest of the hunt for the Higgs particle is that it may not be quite what is expected.
93 The heights of accumulation at known time intervals are measured by optical micrometer and the particle sizes calculated from these figures.
94 In practice the particle sizes in the sediment are computed from the weights settled at specific time intervals.
95 The virtual particle can interact with the magnetic field and affect the moment of the muon.
96 If you really want to be devious, you could spend the money on a particle accelerator.
97 One adds up the probabilities for all the particle histories with certain properties, such as passing through certain points at certain times.
98 We shall not bridge that gap with particle accelerators in the foreseeable future!
99 But at the lower particle energies that occur in most normal situations, this symmetry between the particles would be broken.
100 In classical mechanics one can predict the results of measuring both the position and the velocity of a particle.
101 A particle diffusing through a liquid is subject to frequent collisions.
102 The rays of geometrical optics are not unlike the particle trajectories of classical mechanics.
103 The crystalline structure of each particle of dust is copied from the clay in the parent stream.
104 Because the particle and antiparticle in effect cancel each other out, their appearance together does not violate the laws of physics.
105 One of the most relevant particle characteristics derived from sieve analysis is the size of the intermediate diameter.
106 In an attempt to get data from this natural laboratory, particle physics has become ever more entwined with cosmology.
107 Thus, the trick is not even to try even in the case of the phase space for a single particle.
108 Not being a particle physicist, I shall leave the complete renaming process to people who are better qualified.
109 The helium atom without its electrons is known as an alpha particle, and is therefore positively charged.
110 Recent developments in particle physics suggest that every nucleon may itself have a nucleus.
111 The particle approach to writing is based on a philosophy of teaching and learning that has been likened to an assembly line.
112 The idea was to develop a theory in which the weak force is carried by a type of particle.
113 Furthermore the smaller particle size would reduce the collisions with the heater banks and reduce the slagging.
114 This collection of complex weightings describes the quantum state of the particle.
115 In this approach, a particle does not have just a single history, as it would in a classical theory.
116 This is the material description: we are following the particle Xi from its initial position to its deformed one.
117 The radiation is a by-product of particle accelerators use in high-energy physics.
118 This sub-atomic medium has been defined as an energy-rich substrate, the common denominator in all particle reactions in nuclear physics.
119 Consequently only short range variations and perturbations in the field need be considered when studying the behaviour of a particle.
120 The rate at which solid state sintering occurs is approximately inversely proportional to the particle size involved.