enforce造句61. To enforce this group consensus about how much should be produced, there were informal rules.
62. Chief executives are officials who run governmental bodies that formulate and enforce laws.
63. The police were not competent to enforce the civil provisions, which required that employers should do so.
64. Those who anticipate that both will be granted will campaign for legislation to enforce a new schedule of environmental safeguards.
65. The only answer to this is to develop a comprehensive programme of accounting standards and to enforce them vigorously.
66. Then the militia, or the U. S. Army, in extreme cases, would enforce the injunction.
67. Employees are scared to enforce their rights because if they did they would be unfairly dismissed.
68. It was his job as district attorney to enforce a state law prohibiting abortion except to save a woman's life.
69. Additional police officers were put on the street to enforce an 8 p. m. curfew aimed at preventing looting.
70. The applicant sought judicial review of the Director's decision to seek to enforce compliance with the requirements of the notice.
71. Users can reach their own collective agreements on usage, but these may be costly to organize and enforce.
72. The organization is free to use any available social mechanisms to enforce compliance and ensure its own stability. 5.
73. But it is one thing to have rules, another to enforce them.
74. Trying to enforce the law regulating the length of passenger buses has been a bureaucratic nightmare.
75. What sanctions existed to enforce compliance with the orders of missus or count?
76. The exchange should have a mechanism by which to enforce its members' compliance with the rules.
77. In addition, parties that comply with the Convention ultimately may find it easier to enforce their judgments abroad.
78. Rigby worked with ardour to suppress trafficking in slaves and his efforts to enforce the 1845 treaty were unremitting.
79. They created a system of elected building captains and court captains to enforce them.
80. They contend that the commissioner is required by law to enforce the anti-redlining regulation, regardless of personal preference.
81. The committal order was for failing to attend court for examination of his means in proceedings to enforce judgement debts against him.
82. Their specific duty is to prevent a breach of the peace or to enforce a court order; for example, access.
83. The work of regulatory agencies was also undermined by budget cuts and a concerted unwillingness to enforce existing regulations.
84. It manipulates the environment, and it is able to enforce moral duties on those who are inclined to disregard them.
85. In built-up areas, for example, special slow-reacting catalytic surfaces will automatically enforce the speed limit.
86. The government was bitterly denounced for the emergency measures it was taking to enforce order.
87. The government has already introduced tougher laws on food hygiene and now it hopes the register will help council officers enforce them.
88. As segregation and violence became commonplace, the national government expressed no willingness to enforce a new racial order.
89. The recovery processing will enforce the outcome.
90. This requires construction companies to enforce their cost control, lower the cost, and gain profit from management and try to maximize their profit.