快好知 kuaihz

(91) "That's good," he said dully, putting down his half-eaten sandwich. (92) He slipped from the room and purchased a beef sandwich from the barman upstairs. (93) Students are eligible for a loan during the sandwich or placement year and may apply by post. (94) I tried eating a sandwich with my second cup of tea and I just about managed it. (95) Not surprisingly, the result tasted more like a toasted cheese sandwich. (96) When they go straight to bed without so much as ordering a toasted sandwich or spending money at the bar. (97) Some made a good job of the sandwich element, but many paid it lip service. (98) And in our sandwich, the grated cheese, when melted, got lost in the shuffle of the other ingredients. (99) Fresh tomatoes make the sandwich more pleasing to the palate. (100) I get on with it over lunch - a sandwich and a green apple from the canteen, eaten at my desk. (101) He scanned the newsprint greedily while his teeth sank into the bacon sandwich, the melted margarine dribbling over his fingers. (102) They screwed the caps back on to their thermos flasks, and jammed down the lids of their now empty plastic sandwich containers. (103) Where can a person get a good pastrami sandwich hereabouts? (104) The case contained only his sandwich box and his thermos flask of coffee. (105) Cut the risen surfaces off the small cakes and sandwich these together with the marmalade to form the head. (106) Leave to dry. 2 Split the cake in half horizontally and sandwich together again with some of the buttercream. (107) Lunch can be a sandwich filled with vegetarian cheese or a ready-made spread from a health food shop. (108) Most of the kids from Beginners went up to the mezzanine, where Angie had set up a soda and sandwich concession. (109) But the whiff of a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich makes my stomach quail. Eat peanuts or suffer death-by-a-thousand cut5? (110) Either that or an open-faced roast beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and peas. (111) I had a sandwich in a crowded City pub, and then went to the bank to collect Miss Macdonald's letter. (112) I went to the nearest deli and came back with a ham sandwich and a large container of coffee. (113) Place top half of loaf on top of sandwich and press lightly. (114) It is subject to grease and grime from the hands, occasional coffee spills, cigarette ash, dead flies and sandwich crumbs. (115) He once paid his sister $ 300 to make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (116) He finished his sandwich, undid a newspaper parcel, and took out a chunk of gray meat. (117) I ate a ham sandwich on white bread with dill pickles that soaked through the bread and made it soggy and green. (118) Sandwich the meringues together with cream and serve at once. (119) Eisen said as she and her son Josh sat on the curb enjoying ribs and a tri-tip sandwich. (120) And I chewed my lunchtime sandwich thoroughly, being careful not to get my trachea clogged up with cream cheese.