快好知 kuaihz

(121) But only the sandwich rings my bell.-Walt Whitebread Mashed potatoes, chicken soup, macaroni and cheese. (122) All she eats is a tongue or a ham sandwich. (123) He drove out of Brighton cheerfully enough, munching his sandwich, climbing the London road until he had breasted the Downs. (124) Not really hungry, she made a cheese sandwich and curled up in front of the television. (125) The pastrami offering at Langer's Deli is a stellar example of hot sandwich achievement. (126) Luoma, the sandwich shop owner, said he had planned to vote for Forbes before his commercial blitz began. (127) Mary Mara makes the volatile Ruth a mainspring of precarious tension, capable of a solitary three-way argument over a peanut-butter sandwich. (128) Comparison with the peroxidase labelled antibody sandwich method using formalin fixed paraffin embedded material. (129) Shaw might as well have asked him if he preferred mustard or mayo on a sandwich. (130) After Sandwich it was just as if you'd gone deaf - no spectator noise, only four people watching! (131) He makes a sandwich so big even he can't force it in his mouth. (132) Kezia refused a sandwich but she smiled at Annabel, and - I could hardly believe it - Annabel curtsied. (133) The route went through all manufacturing departments and ended with tea and a sandwich buffet in the canteen. (134) She longed for a thick ham sandwich and her bed. (135) Bette concluded with a gasp and sank her teeth into her sandwich. (136) Brush the top of one semi-circle with apricot glaze and place the other on top to form a half-moon sandwich. (137) He was eating a bacon sandwich and hurled the crusts into the gutter as the car drove off. (138) See how long you can take to eat a meal or a sandwich, chewing every mouthful as slowly as possible. (139) Do you prefer to sandwich your exercise in along with your daily activities or to set aside time exclusively for exercise? 5. (140) Then brush the outside of the bread with melted, unsalted butter and place the sandwich in the skillet, Kafka directs. (141) Just a wet walker in a woollen hat, eating a cheese sandwich in the rain. (142) Similar effects are seen when a collagen gel sandwich is used to culture hepatocytes. (143) The counterman packs the sandwich and soda in a paper bag. (144) Cold, cooked jacket potato plus a tub of salad, sandwich filling, or dip. (145) The dog sat there eyeing my sandwich as I ate. (146) The end result was a delicious but rather cumbersome sandwich. (148) Reid in London A bowl of cornflakes can kill you-not to mention a ham sandwich or a T-bone steak. (149) Cereal and toast start the day followed by an apple mid-morning and a cheese sandwich at lunch. (150) In the navigation room Colonel Bowers pored over his flight-plan and a sandwich lunch.