快好知 kuaihz

31. Never confuse movement with action.Ernest Hemingway 32. You can confuse people even more thoroughly with windows. 33. Many politicians and media critics confuse cynicism with skepticism. 34. I realized why people confuse them with hearses. 35. Struan seems to confuse these two uses. 36. Try not to confuse "your" and "you're". 37. Never confuse motion with action.Benjamin Franklin 38. This nomenclature tends to confuse the terminology. 39. It is the easiest to confuse with simple decoys. 40. One of the more subtle failures is to confuse a block diagram with its inverse. 41. They might confuse that hard work with personal growth, internal challenges, junk like that. 42. We must be careful not to confuse two issues here. 43. It was the enlightened afrancesados who were to confuse political issues by their peculiar relation to liberalism. 44. It is not difficult confuse the two, but they are vastly different. 45. It looks almost like a cluster, and I have known unwary observers to confuse it with the Pleiades. 46. And their reluctance might turn into hardened resistance if you continue to confuse the two phenomena. 47. She flexed herself, she breathed spasmodically as if to confuse the natural rhythms of her body. 48. There are also no ligatures to confuse the start of the letter as there are in other letter positions. 49. In all probability these late reports confuse the species with the Hudsonian curlew. 50. In consequence, the message contained within a going concern qualification may merely confuse users of financial statements. 51. I always confuse Anthea with her sister - they're so alike. 52. His accounts thoroughly confuse fact and fancy, observation and interpretation. 53. Anti-alcohol campaigners deliberately seek to confuse alcohol with narcotic drugs. 54. The Catholic arguments confuse the issue, but this time, for all the wrong reasons, the Pope is infallible. 55. The rules relating to inadmissible reservations and objections thereto can confuse the relationship even between States which have ratified a treaty. 56. However, unless an accident or acute illness was associated with onset, memory problems are likely to confuse the result. 57. This will help us not to confuse physical pleasure with true happiness or the spiritual reality of joy. 58. Tamar's description, to him and Elizabeth, had been too vivid for him ever to confuse it. 59. The tendency to keep falling into the subjectivity trap usually brings with it a tendency to confuse goals with methods. 60. Woolley browsed this area, changing course and height every fifteen or twenty seconds to confuse the gunners.