快好知 kuaihz

91. Or were the knives sent to a random group of people to confuse the hunt for either the killer or the hoaxer? 92. But it's not a name that will directly confuse people. 93. You should not confuse the 33 illusion of motion with its actuality. 94. Perceptions, such as hers, distort the truth and confuse the issue. 95. Another added that one of the purposes of the media hype was actually to deliberately confuse people. 96. It is tempting for leaders to confuse the popular will with the voices of those who shout the loudest. 97. I don't think Conrad was latching on properly, but I must admit breastfeeding did confuse me. 98. The lizard can outsmart predators by leaving its tail behind to confuse them. 99. Overseas runners drown by the lure of the pound will inevitably confuse the equation of who eventually comes out on top. 100. Decoys that can confuse the homing sensor in the interceptor are the Achilles' heel of this system. 101. To take them back west would he to confuse some issue that she did not want confused. 102. Making comparisons between brains is a very risky business because there are confounding variables to confuse the issue. 103. In its early stages, the symptoms of fatigue and nausea mimic heat exhaustion and can confuse the rangers. 104. Grim glory, matchless strength, and the wit to confuse, the charms to transform any invader. 105. And third, their likeness to their twin can confuse possible suitors: which one does he want? 106. Through advertising and promotional campaigns, the ambushing company tries to confuse consumers and to misrepresent the official sponsorship of the event. 107. Now, of course, Merrill Lynch is merely trying to confuse members of Congress by running these ads. 108. The decision is mischievous at best and will surely confuse the lower courts. 109. The wise politician tries to deliver what really grabs voters and shies away from complicated, long-range concepts that alarm and confuse. 110. He thought it would probably confuse them if he insisted on their moving on. 111. Confuse a waitress by asking her for a Big Mac and chips? 112. Christians usually think that they have nothing to learn from other religions, but that is because we confuse beliefs and practices. 113. However, it would certainly confuse the fox, thereby causing it to run erratically as described. 114. Boning and muscle-boning of the sirloin gives meaty cuts with a variety of names that confuse the consumer. 115. Sometimes many people confuse it with check safekeeping. 116. Analogies, big words, and naming the competitor confuse people. 117. Star sapphire, stars falling over the sea, confuse. 118. Just don't confuse a strong center with passivity. 119. Do not confuse them for additional shipping charges. 120. Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny.