快好知 kuaihz

211. And they were prepared to accept unlimited losses to achieve their sacred objective. 212. Today, we rarely think of the act of cooking as something sacred. 213. My own position would also be called into question, as I regard Sunday as sacred. 214. The best and purest human beings, from the beginning of time, have understood that life is sacred. 215. A most sacred obligation was bound up with a most atrocious crime. 216. Socialist public property is sacred and inviolable. 217. Motherhood is a sacred cow to most politicians. 218. In addition, obsidian is sacred to the Maoris. 219. The villagers a sacred cow of the monarchy. 220. Sepulchrals are sacred undead and wield magical obsidian glaives. 221. Lhasa is a sacred place of TiBetan Buddhism. 222. Would you bring infamy on your sacred profession? " 223. Article 12. Socialist public property is sacred and inviolable. 224. Teachers of martial art are shouldering the sacred task of and developing it in and universities. 225. Could that name also be linked to the Phi Ratio of Sacred Geometry? 226. White indicates that the pureness admitting of no blasphemy, not admitting smearing pure, has and sacred. 227. Hundreds of Namibian trees held sacred by local people have been illegally felled. 228. But all of the sacred writings say that you will devour the wicked and the unrighteous. 229. They are sinning against the most sacred possession of the German people. 230. In ancient Egypt, however, all cats were sacred to the goddess Isis. 231. Tibetan Buddhism places strong possibility that landscape and physical landmarks can acquire sacred status. 232. We visited Yanan, sacred place of the revolution, last Sunday. 233. In betraying your fellow Kings you have broken the sacred Triumvirate of Atlantis. 234. I see you've found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. Oh. 235. This has become her sacred cow - nothing can change her schedule rain or shine. 236. In Zoroastrianism, the elements are sacred and the body is corrupt. 237. Crowds gather at Jerusalem's Wailing Wall, or Western Wall, sacred to Jews. 238. This kind of God grants human's specialness, is noble, is more sacred! 239. The Turkish group studied the chemical structure of leaves from the plant called the sacred lotus. 240. The Church is the House of God a sacred and honorable shrine.