dependent造句91 In the absence of agricultural support, the women and children become dependent on government.
92 Procedural gender biases are a source of serious anxiety in a science as powerfully dependent on method as psychology.
93 Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning.Denis Waitley
94 This should be written in short grammatical sentences with the minimum of dependent clauses.
95 To back this up we provide subsidised nurseries and a dependent care allowance to those whose hours change at short notice.
96 About 10% of the population is dependent on some form of drug.
97 This was nevertheless dependent upon his having something concrete to argue about.
98 The actor is dependent on the stimulus of other faces and voices.
99 A good self-esteem level is mostly dependent on how we value ourselves without any bias.Stephen Richards
100 The distinction between our dependent conditionals and others is thus not a difference between the indicative and the subjunctive mood.
101 New industrial methods based on assembly lines and continuous processes were typically more dependent on electricity than the ones they replaced.
102 The dependent clause functions as a substitution item in a frame, the frame being the rest of the sentence.
103 With wild cats it ensures that the animals do not become totally dependent on one kind of prey.
103 Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
104 Far more people are dependent on alcohol than we realize.
105 In addition, she allegedly claimed an earned income credit of $ 323 on the basis of his fictional dependent.
106 The education programme is dependent on foreign aid, and the US Agency for International Development had been approached for funding.
107 It is not dependent on the operating system, the faster the CPU, the faster the data acquisition.
108 Since the value of the resulting output is highly dependent on these components, they should be given early and careful consideration.
109 Evidence depends upon witnesses and, to some extent, their credibility is dependent upon their performance in the witness box.
110 Down the line the rest of the oil and loan dependent economy was contracting.
111 His master explanatory variable is market capitalism and his dependent variable is peasant rebellion.
112 The biological factor is the length of time that the human child is dependent and helpless and in need of attention from parents.
113 Disposal / re-use of these streams is dependent on both the level and type of contaminants present in the starting material.
114 Site visits can awaken motivation, and pupils learn by direct experiences which are not dependent on reading ability.
115 It evoked a huge and apparently permanent armament industry, now wholly dependent... on government contracts.
116 A relative clause counts as dependent whereas an adjective modifying a noun clearly does not.
117 Hygeberht's archdiocese, therefore, embraced Mercia and its dependent border territories in the midlands and East Anglia.
118 Dependent and insecure, they may find it difficult to join in and to assert themselves.
119 It is not only the United States that has become dependent on imports of oil.
120 Pathogenesis of Hypertension Blood pressure is dependent upon two factors: cardiac output and peripheral resistance.