dependent造句121 Hence it is appropriate that local councils are dependent on central funds. 3.
122 Dependent on state patronage, Soviet official art was a public, epic, partisan art intended for mass consumption.
123 Such an ambitious target was dependent upon adequate financial flows, access to the North's markets and secure oil supplies.
124 All are connections stated by either dependent nomic conditionals or independent nomic conditionals.
125 Instead of being a development of an inherent or generally available faculty, it is a specialized technique wholly dependent on specific training.
126 Some had large dependent families, while others had teenage children able to make a substantial contribution.
127 This is especially important for work-inhibited children, who are typically overly dependent upon the support of others to complete school assignments.
128 The National Blood Transfusion Service is entirely dependent on voluntary blood donors.
129 Any comparison between these is dependent upon the further externalization of these values as objective forms.
130 These are included for comparison as they were not tested for precise position-independent and copy-number dependent expression.
131 They can no longer hunt properly and so are utterly dependent on us.
132 The whole thing is about gaining trust, is dependent on trust.
133 One way charters can be arranged between these and other Islands at no extra cost but dependent on availability.
134 The General Household Survey in 1979 found that only 20 percent of economically active married men supported a dependent wife and children.
135 Legislators dependent on campaign contributions became the pawns of competing special-interest lobbies, who held each other in check.
136 Artists and journalists are not so dependent upon their colleagues' approval but can appeal directly to the laity.
137 If you use cigarettes to help you cope with pressure or to stay slim, you are probably particularly dependent on nicotine.
138 And any decision is ultimately dependent on passage of a bond measure, again most likely requiring a two-thirds majority.
139 But they are still highly circumscribed in their authority, and wholly dependent upon their salaried employment.
140 They are in some way dependent on physiological and physical conditions.
141 In other words it enables one to modify the artificially simplistic notion of clear-cut dependent and independent variables having one-way causal links.
142 The success of any conservation measure is directly dependent on the degree of public opinion mustered to its support.
143 Your basic pension may be increased if you are supporting a dependent spouse or children.
144 From that moment, it was doomed to become a huge, sprawling, one-story conurbation, hopelessly dependent on the automobile.
145 Widows are given an allowance because they are deemed to have been financially dependent.
146 Partly because of this fact, dependent conditionals have been taken as problematic.
147 Therefore, the regression coefficient is often considered as a measure of the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
148 It's almost impossible to take tranquilizers for long without becoming dependent.
149 The farmers concentrated upon dairy cattle and sheep and were dependent upon weaving as a second source of income.
150 Ancillary staff All educational establishments are dependent for their day-to-day running on the ancillary staff.