shit造句 211 I don't know which is the bigger piece of shit, you or your Landrover. 212 Kierkegaard : In fear and trembling I leap into the shit. 213 Zeno If you can cut shit in half forever, is shit infinite? 214 Occam Given several shits, the simpler shit is more likely to be the true shit. 215 Niggas say that they the shit, when they barely just potty!英文造句hircismusimpactioninsist uponknock upclassfellowforeign tradeannual budgetroll offput to sleepbacteriologiststrawberry jamtomato pastewitchingbetteddoweraliterodiblestone-facenicaraguacontributivegraduatorhalf-timberedtransubstantiationfarm animalpsychoanalyticalchild-rearingnonpoliticalstatesmeninformally