versus造句1. Tomorrow's game is Newcastle versus Arsenal.
2. Today's football match is France versus Brazil.
3. It is France versus Brazil in the final.
4. The technician plotted the thermal conductivity versus mean temperature.
5. The most exciting game was Harvard versus Yale.
6. England versus Brazil - bring it on!
7. It was the promise of better job opportunities versus the inconvenience of moving away and leaving her friends.
8. They argued about traveling by train versus traveling by plane.
9. Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition.
10. Pop, in a word, is fascination versus meaning.
11. What defines central versus peripheral information?
12. I witnessed the Coventry versus Ipswich match recently.
13. Strolling, they pondered public education versus private schooling.
14. Events don't fall neatly into natural events versus miracles.
15. Really it's a case of head versus heart.
16. Most important is the Staged versus Write Through toggle.
17. Yesterday in the semi-final we saw Sampras versus Henman.
18. But it was more than just the paparazzi versus the Penns.
19. The Sixties versus the Eighties, in fact. The question is - does it work?
20. The Thorium versus Potassium cross-plot confirms illite as being the main clay and kaolinite as the secondary clay mineral.
21. Naturally there are important differences in one sector versus another.
22. You can become better at distinguishing between team versus individual and process versus function only by making choices and moving forward.
23. Only 18.8% of the class of 1982 had some kind of diploma four years after high school, versus 45% of the class of 1972.
24. Each report starts with a recap of how we did versus our projections.
25. All the newspapers reported on the football match of France versus Italy.
26. The finance minister must weigh up the benefits of a tax cut versus those of increased public spending.
27. Abortion was legalized nationally in the United States following the Roe versus Wade case.
28. Given the standard revenue account above there are two further issues which this objective versus subjective classification introduces.
29. The basis for judicial intervention becomes clear and worrisome problems of jurisdictional versus non jurisdictional errors of law are left behind.
30. Meaningful distinctions in language guide people to make choices about when and what to do versus when and what not to do.